Events for March 19 - March 6 › Meetings of Interest

LMAG Luncheon – Rose Hotel, Chippendale – Tuesday 26 March

52-54 Cleveland Street , Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia, 2008

You are invited to join other members at for lunch at the Rose Hotel, Chippendale at 1230hrs on Tuesday 26 March. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

SusTech Talk – Groundwater as a Rescue for Sustaining Agriculture with Farmer’s Decision


IEEE SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. “Groundwater as a Rescue for Sustaining Agriculture with Farmer’s Decision” with Shakeel Ahmed, Visiting Professor, Islamic University of Science and Technology, J&K, India; Former Chief Scientist, CSIR - National Geophysical Research Institute and former Team-Leader, Indo-French Centre for Groundwater ...


Bldg: TopGolf is located just North of the Embassy Suites Hotel, 5820 Rockside Woods Blvd., North, Independence, Ohio, United States, 44131

Social event for IEEE CLE Section members at TopGolf. This event is sponsored by the Life Members Affinity Group but is open to other-than-Life-Members as well. It is anticipated that we will have two or three bays at TopGolf for as many as 18 members. You do not have to be good at golf to ...

Synergy or Struggle: Navigating the Intersection of Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investment


Join us for an insightful online session titled "Synergy or Struggle: Navigating the Intersection of Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investment" presented in collaboration between the IEEE Egypt Consultants Network and IEEE Egypt Systems Council Chapter. In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming industries, the intersection of computer systems and artificial intelligence ...

Synergy or Struggle: Navigating the Intersection of Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investment


Join us for an insightful online session titled "Synergy or Struggle: Navigating the Intersection of Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investment" presented in collaboration between the IEEE Egypt Consultants Network and IEEE Egypt Systems Council Chapter. In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming industries, the intersection of computer systems and artificial intelligence ...

IEEE SPS SCV – Assessing Image Coding in the High to Nearly Visually Lossless Quality Range


The past decades have witnessed rapid growth in imaging as a major form of communication between individuals. Due to recent advances in capture, storage, delivery, and display technologies, consumers demand improved perceptual quality while requiring reduced storage. In this context, research and innovation in lossy image compression have steered towards methods capable of achieving high ...

Consultant Network Meeting at 6:00PM on Wednesday March 27, 2024 at the Imperial Buffet Shrewsbury MA

380 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, United States, 01545

The next meeting of the Worcester Section IEEE Consultants' Network will take place on Wednesday March 27, 6:00PM at the Imperial Buffet at 380 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. We will start gathering at 6:00 PM for dinner and mingle informally. The Buffet meal is paid by the organization. Any alcohol is cash bar. We ...

Ayanna Howard, PhD Oral History Documentary IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.


[] Join Documentary Night with Oral History of Ayanna Howard, PhD, an Interview by Robotics & Automation. Robotics History: Narratives and Networks Oral Histories: Ayanna Howard. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Recorded 22 Jan. 2015. Ayanna Howard: An Interview conducted by Peter Asaro, IEEE History Center, 22 January 2015. Interview # 791 for Indiana ...

January 25, 2024 – New Orleans Section – Life Member Affinity Group Meeting

702 Water Street, 702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

New Orleans IEEE Section North Lake LIfe Member Affinity Group Monthly Meeting (ALL ARE INVITED) Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Co-Chair Agenda: Meeting was canceled because of flooding & intence rain fall 12:00pm - 1200 hrs Social meeting ( Onion Rings Appitisers ) 12:15pm - 1215 hrs Order Lunch (those who wish to eat) 12:40pm - ...

IEEE WNC section Social Gathering

Bldg: Unit A, 161 Charlotte Hwy, Asheville, North Carolina, United States, 28803

WNC section of IEEE is having a social gathering, Thursday March 28th, 2024. 5-8:30 PM We will sip and munch a bit to issue in Spring. New members are encouraged to join us. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to join us. Visit a new venue: "Cultivated Cocktails", on Charlotte Hwy. The section will cover the ...

Panel discussion with IEEE President Tom Coughlin and R6 Director-Elect Joseph Wei, moderator: Alan Weissberger

Room: Room SCDI 1302 & 1308, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California, United States, 95053

IEEE President Tom Coughlin will share his goals and objectives and Joseph Wei will present how Region 6 will support Tom in achieving his goals. This will be an interactive session where Tom and Joseph will take questions and feedback from the audience on how IEEE can better serve its members in the Bay area ...


Kelsey's Pizza, 1954 US Highway 1, Rockledge, Florida, United States, 32955

Please join us for the March meeting of the Canaveral Section Executive Committee! We are invitiing the LMAG to join this meeting, which will primarily be covering planning events for the year. And of course, pizza comes with that because you can't plan anything on an empty stomach. A complete agenda will be posted in ...

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