Events for April 24 - March 28 › Meetings of Interest

Visita al Centro de Mantenimiento de Iberia

Bldg: Centro de mantenimiento de Iberia, Iberia La Muñoza, Madrid, Spain

La visita está disponible para los primeros 14 inscritos, con prioridad para los socios IEEE. Fecha: 27 de febrero 2024 a las 11:00. Cupo máximo: 14 personas Aparcamiento limitado, a coordinar con el organizador, Etienne Maricq ( Mayor información sobre el centro de mantenimiento en ( Co-sponsored by: Visita al Centro de Mantenimiento de Iberia ...

2024-Q1-Germany-LMAG Meeting


LMAG Meeting Virtual:

Lunch – The Fiddler, Rouse Hill – Tuesday 27 February

The Fiddler, cnr Commercial and Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill, New South Wales, Australia, 2155

You are invited to join other members for lunch at The Fiddler at Rouse Hill at 1230hrs on Tuesday 27 February. For those interested, the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

IEEE 1st Annual Engineers Week Professional Networking Evening – Tuesday, February 27th – Bring your Business Cards!!

Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa , Florida, United States, 32922

Please join us at our 1st Annual IEEE Engineers Week Professional Networking Event, hosted at the Florida Energy Center in Cocoa! We hope to make this a yearly occurrence scheduled around the time of Engineers Week. To that end IEEE Canaveral and Melboune Sections are sponsoring this OPEN event! Whether you provide power, transmit/receive signals, ...

SusTech Talk Feb. 2024 – Nurturing Sustainability through Ubiquitous Computing


SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. "Harmony in the Digital Ecosystem: Nurturing Sustainability through Ubiquitous Computing" with Anandi Giridharan, Principal Research Scientist, ECE (Department of Electrical Communication Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Date/Time: - Tuesday, 27-February-2024, 9-10 pm US Eastern, 6-7 pm US ...

The first Canadian Superconducting Quantum Computer for Public Research

Room: EV002.260, Bldg: Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Concordia University, 1515 Ste. Catherine West, MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8

The making of MonarQ: The first Canadian Superconducting Quantum Computer for Public Research. Quantum Computing is an exciting and emerging technology which holds great promise for humanity. In this seminar, we briefly overview quantum computing technology and its potential applications. We will then describe the architecture and subsystems that make MonarQ, the first Canadian superconducting ...

IEEE Buffalo Section Recognition Night

Room: Adam Room, Classics V Banquets, 2425 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Amherst , New York, United States, 14228

Buffalo Section Recognition Dinner Meeting Joint with the Power Energy/Industrial Applications, Computer, Microwave Theory & Techniques/Antennas & Propagation, Communications, Control Systems, Engineering Management, Electron Devices, Photonics, Nano Technology, and Young Professionals Societies, Life Member Affinity Group, Women in Engineering, and the IEEE WNY Consultants Network. Friday March 1, 2024 at 6 p.m. Recognition Night Please ...

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting


The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including finding volunteers for the upcoming Bullock Museum Science Thursday event on May 2nd. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Bullock Museum Science Thursday, on ...

Denver LMAG Executive Committee Mtg

Bldg: Golden Hotel, 800 Eleventh Street, Golden, Colorado, United States, 80401

ExCom planning meeting to install new officers and plan events for the coming year. Agenda: 1. Install our two new officers. I believe that our existing Ex-Comm (Owen, Ian, and Jim S.) are authorized to do this. 2. Approve expenditures for the registration fee for the LMAG conference in April. That would require that any ...

Visit to Cochlear – Mechelen

Bldg: 20/I, Cochlear N.V. Schaliënhoevedreef 20/I, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium , Mechelen, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2800

Join the IEEE Benelux Section Life Members Affinity Group on a visit to Cochlear in Mechelen, Belgium—an exploration of the world's leading cochlear implant manufacturer. Cochlear’s implants help numerous people, to hear again, who would otherwise be isolated from communication. With a rich history spanning five decades, this visit showcases the strong collaboration between Flanders ...

Tuesday 5 March – Lunch with President-Elect K Kramer at Sydney Rowing Club, Abbotsford

Sydney Rowing Club, 813 Great north Rd, Abbotsford, New South Wales, Australia

Take the opportunity to get out and meet the President-elect on her way to Canberra for a Milestone event. It is a good opportunity to network and enjoy the vista of Parramatta River. We each pay for our own meal. Please register, so that the tables can be booked. The venue can be reached by ...

Hybrid – Regression and Time Series Mixture Approaches to Predict Resilience

Bldg: Main Cafeteria, Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood St, Lexington, Massachusetts, United States, 02421, Virtual:

Resilience engineering is the ability to build and sustain a system that can deal effectively with disruptive events. Previous resilience engineering research focuses on metrics to quantify resilience and models to characterize system performance. However, resilience metrics are normally computed after disruptions have occurred and existing models lack the ability to predict one or more ...

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