Events for March 13 - April 7 › Meetings of Interest

How Grid Modernization Will Help Shape a Net-Zero Future


This series of Presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE members depending upon the topic. At the same time CSSE is using their national organization to provide ...

Contact Sport – A Book About International HAM Operator Competition


The Austin Life Members' Group promotes the development of members through professional and social networking,addressing topics of interest to Life Members, including volunteer activities, and supports the IEEE Central Texas Section. Speaker(s): Jim George, Virtual:

Flight Suit Development

Room: Hub101, Bldg: Cal Lutheran Center for Entrepreneurship, 31416 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, California, United States, 91361, Virtual:

The AESS and LMAG chapters of IEEE Buenaventura Section will hold a special joint meeting at CLU's Hub101 on Thursday Jan. 18, 2024 starting at 6:30 PM with presentation at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be hybrid with Zoom link sent to registrants. The meeting's topic is the development of flight suit during the WWII ...

IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Annual Meeting 2023 & Life Members meeting

Room: 101 (first floor), Husova 240/5, Praha, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Virtual:

English version follows Vážení členové Československé sekce IEEE, dovolte nám pozvat vás na valnou hromadu, která se uskuteční v pátek dne 19. 1. 2024 v prostorách ÚTEF ČVUT v Praze, Husova 240/5, Praha, Samotné valné hromadě bude předcházet setkání skupiny Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) a přednáška Dr. Richarda Selbyho "Development of Telecommunications", na ...

A Brief History of Building a Time Machine: Developing NIRCam on the James Webb Space Telescope and Recent Findings

Sunnyvale, California, United States, Virtual:

This presentation is about the very recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Its major science objectives include: 1) Detect the first stars to ever emit light, 2) Show us how galaxies and stars were formed in the early universe and 3) Study planets orbiting other stars outside our solar system. It was successfully launched in ...

Vancouver TALK #21: Generative AI – Opportunities and Challenges


Speaker: Dr. Abhijit Sen, Professor of Computing Science and Information Technology Kwantlen Polytechnic University, BC, Canada Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that ...

IEEE Baltimore Robot Workshop for the Maryland Engineering Challenges


Training for teachers & parents for student participation Co-sponsored by: Baltimore Museum of Industry Agenda: 10:00 AM Introduction and training on the manual robot, required for all participants. 12:30 PM Automated and Autonomous robot training. Virtual:

Combined Canaveral Section Annual Banquet and LMAG meeting

Tuscany Grill, 6630 Colonnade Ave, Vierra, Florida, United States, 32940

Please join us for the combined Canaveral Section Annual Banquet and Life Member Affinity Group Meeting at Tuscany Grill in The Avenue Viera! Come and join your section Executive Committee and fellow engineers for a great meal as we close out the 2023 year and open 2024. This is your chance for a great meal ...

Nanoelectronics: Towards End of Scaling and Beyond


“Nanoelectronics: Towards End of Scaling and Beyond” by Professor Bin Yu, PhD, Zhejiang University, China. An IEEE Fellow and IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer. Date: January 22, 2024 (Monday) Time: 10:00 – 11:00 hours (UTC+8) Zoom: RSVP: e-Certificates of Attendance will be issued to registered attendees. Pending for approval for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ...

SusTech Talk Jan. 2024 – Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions


SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. “Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions” with K John Holmes, Scholar and Director of Energy and Environmental Systems, US National Academies of Sciences In October 2023 a National Academies study committee released Accelerating Decarbonization in ...

SusTech Talk Jan. 2024 – Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions


SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. “Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions” with K John Holmes, Scholar and Director of Energy and Environmental Systems, US National Academies of Sciences Date: Tuesday 23-January-24 Time: 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (PDT) (online) Speaker(s): ...

The Impact of ML/AI on Networking and the Internet Over the Last Decade


In the past decade, it's indisputable that the fields of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have advanced remarkably. Over the last 15 years, we've witnessed an explosion of ML algorithms and architectures, which have been widely adopted across various industries, including Healthcare, Vision, and Industrial Automation. The year 2023, with the advent of ...

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