Events for April 24 - March 28 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting


The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including the annual Life Member luncheon and plans for 2024. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Prospects for a workshop. Other business. Virtual:

Canaveral Section Life Member Affinity Group Inaugural Banquet

Red Lobster , 215 Merritt Island Cswy, Merritt Island, Florida, United States, 32952

This is the inaugural meeting of the Canaveral Section, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG). We are happy to annouce the recent approval of the Canaveral Section LMAG by MGA. The meeting is to celebrate this important milestone for the Canaveral Section, LMAG. You are therefore, invited to join us with your partner to celebrate this ...

OpenDSS: Where it came from and where it is going


LINK TO REGISTER - ( - Once registered, you will receive the link of the webinar Abstract The OpenDSS program was created in 1997 when the Distribution Planning problem became more complicated due largely to the introduction of distributed generation into the distribution system. Through the 190’s it became apparent that engineers were going to ...

2023 Pikes Peak Global LMAG Achievement Award Celebration – History of Silicon Mountain

Bldg: Romano's Macaroni Grill, 2510 Tenderfoot Hill Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, 80906

Note Change in time to 6:30 pm MDT. Tonight we celebrate Pike Peak LMAG’s 2023 Global LMAG Achievement Award. We were selected in competition with 140+ LMAG worldwide. It was based upon our activities in 2022 and our grant program with the National Museum of WWII Aviation to support a student simulation lab in support ...

Life Members Affinity Group – The UQ Supercomputer – What Bunya Does

Room: 505, Bldg: Axon Building (47), University of Queensland, Saint Lucia Campus, Staff House Road, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

In December 2022 the University of Queensland launched its new supercomputer, Bunya, replacing its three previous high performance computers. It is now being used by the research community solving problems in many fields, from the sciences to the humanities. Professor David Abramson is director of UQ's research computing centre. His talk will focus, not on ...

October 26, 2023, Life Member Affinity Group Meeting

Mortans Seafood Restaurant and Bar, 702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

October 26, 2023, IEEE Life Member Affinity Group New Orleans Section Monthly Meeting Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Co-Chair Agenda: 12:00 pm CST - 1200 hrs. CST - Commence Social Meeting 12:15 pm CST - 1215 hrs. CST - Order Lunch continue social meeting 12:40 pm CST - 1240 hrs. CST - Lunch 1:15 pm CST ...

EMB, LMAG and YP meeting and tour of Knight Aerospace Corporation

Knight Aerospace Corporation, 3606 SW 36th Street, Suite 101, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 788226

Lunch meeting and tour of the Knight Aerospace Corporation for the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter, the Life Members Affinity Group and the Young Professionals Affinity Group of the Lone Star Section. A box lunch will be provided for all attendees, courtesy of IEEE. Speaker(s): Mr. Luke Perkins, PE, Agenda: 11:30am: Business meeting: Call ...

MicroCenter Visit & Tour

3710 Highway 100 South, St Louis Park, Minnesota, United States, 55416

Registration is required for carpooling. We are organizing a MicroCenter visit to the St. Louis Park Store! We will be organizing carpooling from the Rochester, MN area to get people to the store. Feel free to share this event with friends and colleagues who are interested in visiting the MicroCenter, but note that registration for ...

IEEEday 2023 – La ingeniería ante el reto de la transformación digital

Room: Salón de Actos, Instituo de la Ingeniería de España, Calle del General Arrando, 38, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28010

Como cada año, la sección española del IEEE celebrará el IEEE Day. Este evento se realiza anualmente para conmemorar la primera reunión de ingenieros eléctricos celebrada en Estados Unidos en 1884 para asistir a la Exposición Internacional de Electricidad de Filadelfia y que fue el germen de nuestra actual asociación. El objetivo de este día ...

Charleston Harbor Cruise: Blues and BBQ

Bldg: Charleston Maritime Center, 10 Wharf Street, Charleston, South Carolina, United States, 29401

Join the Coastal South Carolina Section and its Life Members on a dinner cruise of Charleston Harbor! We honor our Life Members for their professional achievements. This is an opportunity to network with other engineers and relax at the end of the week. This is the final Friday Cruise by Charleston Harbor Tours! There is ...

LMAG Tulsa ExCom October 30 2023

Bldg: Applebee's Grill + Bar, 11104 E 41st Street South, between US 169 & near Garnett, south side of 41st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74146

Tulsa Section Life Member Affinty Group Executive Committee Meeting All members welcome to attend and discuss IEEE issues and activities Primary objective is receiving the LMAG Nominating Committee report for the upcoming election of officers and planning the November 16 membership meeting. Agenda: Lunch from menu, covered by LMAG Welcome any members that choose to ...

LMAG Tulsa ExCom October 30 2023

Bldg: Applebee's Grill + Bar, 11104 E 41st Street South, between US 169 & near Garnett, south side of 41st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74146

Tulsa Section Life Member Affinty Group Executive Committee Meeting All members welcome to attend and discuss IEEE issues and activities Primary objective is receiving the LMAG Nominating Committee report for the upcoming election of officers and planning the November 16 membership meeting. Agenda: Lunch from menu, covered by LMAG Welcome any members that choose to ...

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