Events for April 24 - March 28 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE Roadmaps outlining Technology Innovations for Humanitarian Solutions

Room: Meeting Room, Bldg: Patrick Henry Library, 101 Maple Ave E, Vienna, Virginia, United States, Virtual:

The development of IEEE Technology Roadmaps bring together a bevy of international experts to chart out a mapping of continued evolution and predictions of the underlying basic technologies. In this talk the speaker, Rakesh Kumar, will show examples of the evolution of silicon, wide bandgap semiconductor, heterogeneous integration technologies and Next generation Networking Technologies and ...


200 Shippingport Rd, Shippingport, Pennsylvania, United States, 15001

Beaver Valley-2 is a testament to safe, reliable, clean, and efficient power generation. Join IEEE Power and Energy Society for a uniquely in-depth presentation, lunch, Q&A, and tour of a fully operational and innovative nuclear power plant. A panel of experts including Joseph M. DiCioccio, Andrew Crotty, and Jim Graff to present and to provide ...

IEEE Benelux LMAG – Visit to Energyville

Bldg: EnergyVille 1 & 2, Thor Park, Thor Park 8310 & 8320,, Genk, Limburg, Belgium, 3600

You are hereby invited to attend the LMAG meeting to be held at Energyville in Genk (Belgium) on September 28, 2023, 12.00 to 17.00 h. Prof. dr. ir. Ronnie Belmans, Emeritus Professor at KU Leuven, co-founder and former General Manager of EnergyVille will be our host. Our colleague Ronnie Belmans is a major authority and ...

"Peter Coffee: What’s Worth Knowing: Skills & Talents in Epoch of AI?" an OCCS & AITP LA Virtual Meeting


Virtual Event Details Full Title: "Peter Coffee: What’s Worth Knowing? Repricing of Skills and Talents in this Epoch of AI" Technology Impact on the Worth of Human Talent Technology impact on the worth of human talent and training has been envisioned for decades, but the conversation has taken on new intensity and immediacy in the ...

Tour – TECO Big Bend Modernization

603 Big Bend Rd, Apollo Beach, Florida, United States, 33572, Virtual:

The IEEE Florida West Coast Section Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) and Power & Energy Society/Industry Applications Society (PES/IAS), in collaboration with TECO is bringing to the IEEE community this awesome behind the scenes tour of the Big Bend Modernization Project located in Apollo Beach. This is a great event for Life Members to get ...

75th Anniversary of the Transistor: Evolution, Trends and Challenges in Technology and Device Architectures for Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Room: 1201, Bldg: Penang Skills Development Centre, PSDC, 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 11900, Virtual:

The IEEE Malaysia ED/MTT/SSC Penang Joint Chapter is pleased to announce a Distinguished Lecture on “75th Anniversary of the Transistor: Evolution, Trends and Challenges in Technology and Device Architectures for Micro- and Nanoelectronics” by Professor Cor Claeys, PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. An IEEE Fellow and IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer. Date: Sept 29, 2023 (Friday) ...

IEEE NextGen Potenciando tu Trayectoria Laboral

Bldg: Marriott Executive Finisterre, Calle Colombia & Calle Republica del Paraguay, Panama, Panama, Panama

Los jóvenes profesionales ingresan al mundo laboral con poco o nula experiencia, a través de este evento conoceremos la trayectoria y experiencia laboral de un ingeniero Life Member y cómo dichas experiencias pueden potenciar a las nuevas generaciones. Bldg: Marriott Executive Finisterre, Calle Colombia & Calle Republica del Paraguay, Panama, Panama, Panama

IEEE Day 2023 A Day at the Museum AT&T Labs Science & Technology Center & Museum Tour & Social

AT&T Science and Technology Innovation Center and Museum, 200 S Laurel Ave., Middletown Township, New Jersey, United States

New Jersey Coast Section Women in Engineering, Region 1 PACE & History, NJ Coast Section PACE SIGHT & History, NJ Coast Section Instrumentation & Measurements, Computer Chapter, Life Members invite you to Meet & Greet, and Celebrate IEEE Day 2023 with A Day at the Museum at the AT&T Labs Science & Technology Center & ...

IEEE Day 2023 A Day at the Museum AT&T Labs Science & Technology Center & Museum Tour & Social

AT&T Science and Technology Innovation Center and Museum, 200 S Laurel Ave., Middletown Township, New Jersey, United States

New Jersey Coast Section Women in Engineering, Region 1 PACE & History, NJ Coast Section PACE SIGHT & History, NJ Coast Section Instrumentation & Measurements, Computer Chapter, Life Members invite you to Meet & Greet, and Celebrate IEEE Day 2023 with A Day at the Museum at the AT&T Labs Science & Technology Center & ...

Lunch – Chatswood RSL – Tuesday 3 October

446 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia, 2067

You are invited to join other members at for lunch the Chatswood RSL at 1230hrs on Tuesday 3 October. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the company and ...

EV Charging in the Transition to Electrified Transportations

Room: Main Conference Room, 3700 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52404, Virtual:

Speaker 1: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is the interface between the power system wiring in a home or building and the on-board electric vehicle charging system. The presentation will discuss the purpose and basic functions of the EVSE, including how this equipment is designed to safely deliver power to the vehicle. Speaker 2: EV ...

EV Charging in the Transition to Electrified Transportations

Room: Main Conference Room, 3700 6th Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52404, Virtual:

Speaker 1: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is the interface between the power system wiring in a home or building and the on-board electric vehicle charging system. The presentation will discuss the purpose and basic functions of the EVSE, including how this equipment is designed to safely deliver power to the vehicle. Speaker 2: EV ...

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