Events for March 25 - March 1 › Meetings of Interest

End of Year Luncheon – Sydney Rowing Club – Tuesday 12 December

Sydney Rowing Club, 813 Great north Rd, Abbotsford, New South Wales, Australia

Take the opportunity to get out, network and enjoy the vista of Parramatta River. We each pay for our own meal. Please register, so that the tables can be booked. The venue can be reached by ferry from the city or Parramatta or by bus (438) to the door. Travel directions can found at ...

Science on Tap: AI in NH Here & Now

Bldg: Bo's Lounge at the Stark Brewing Co., 500 Commercial St, Manchester, New Hampshire, United States, 03101

Artificial Intelligence has exploded in the last two years. Join us to find out how it is being deployed here in NH. Discuss how businesses are increasing productivity with creative implementation of machine learning. Learn more about the checks and balances within the systems. Our panelists will include: Carinia Clingman, Founder and CEO Recruitomics Consulting. ...

21st POWERED 2023 (21st Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations)

Room: Conference Room, Bldg: Building D of the Faculty of Technology, AUTH University Campus, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, 54124

Presentation of selected Power Engineering dissertations from Greek Schools of Electrical & Computer Engineering, completed between 2022 - 2023 to the public, selection of the best dissertation for reward Co-sponsored by: CH08009 Room: Conference Room, Bldg: Building D of the Faculty of Technology, AUTH University Campus, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, 54124

大規模言語モデル(LLM)の発展と社会への影響 Advancement of Large Language Model (LLM) and its impact on society.


要旨: 大規模言語モデル(LLM)の進展に焦点を当て、その社会への影響と事業への応用を探ります。 基本的な仕組みを解説し、将来の展望とEthicalな問題についても議論します。 大規模言語モデル(LLM)の潜在的利点と課題を明らかにし、未来の展望について洞察を提供します。 名古屋支部の会員、YP, WIEの皆様、ぜひご聴講ください。 申し込み: 下記にメールでお申し込みください。開催日の数日前に会議のウェブ情報をお送りいたします。 締切:12月12日 宛先 <> 件名: 名古屋LMAG 技術情報講演・懇談会(12月14日)申し込み メール本文 ご氏名: 連絡先メールアドレス: 以上 Prof Takayuki Ito of Kyoto University will give a lecture about the Advancement of Large Language Model (LLM) and its impact on society. Speaker(s): 伊藤孝行, 岩田彰 Virtual:

IEEE SusTech Talk: Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT)


SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. “Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT)” with Maike Luiken, Chair IEEE Planet Positive 2030 and IEEE P7800 Standards Working Group Date: Thursday 14-December-23 Time: 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (PDT) (online) Co-sponsored by: IEEE SA Speaker(s): Maike Luiken, Agenda: 1800 Begin ...

Overview of CRISPR/Cas9 and Gene Editing


CRISPR/Cas9 and related protein:RNA complexes are Gene Editing enzymes that are revolutionizing biological research and also starting to enter the therapeutic realm. A Cas9-based therapeutic strategy to treat sickle cell anemia received approval recently in the United Kingdom and is also being considered for FDA approval in the United States. In this presentation, I will ...

The Chip Act: A New Era in US Semiconductors


Welcome to Global Webinar co-sponsored by Pikes Peak Section and Panama Computer Society Chapter and co-hosted by a number of Chapters worldwide. The Chip Act: A New Era in US Semiconductors David Bondurant, Vertical Memory Matt Francis, Ozark IC This presentation will review 50-years of Semiconductor and Computer developments and historical competition between countries that ...

Vancouver TALK #20: Disaster Management Up Close and Personal; West Kelowna Wildfire 2023


Speaker: S. Carl Zanon, Senior Member, Chair LMAG of IEEE Vancouver Section Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local ...



Organizational meeting to discuss meeting plans, website, student chapter and afinity groups. Virtual:

IEEE Benelux LMAG ExCom meeting


ExCom meeting to plan and finalize the program for 2024 Virtual:

Life Member Affinity Group Phoenix Section

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

Membership meeting, Technical presentation: Arizona Railway Museum: Turning a Static Display into an Audio Video Exhibit Abstract: In addition to its collection of locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars and cabooses, the Arizona Railway Museum has an indoor display area. A central fixture is the console of a Centralized Traffic Control system which controlled Southern Pacific’s ...

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