Events for May 5 - March 25 › Meetings of Interest

Administrative meeting to plan Denso Factory tour and a lecture

Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, Virtual:

Nagoya LMAG officers and denso wave officers discuss the details of the coming event over a hybrid meeting. Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, Virtual:


Room: EM212, Bldg: Engineering & Math , Room: University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus Engineering & Math EM212, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, Virtual:

THE ELECTRIC ENERGY TRANSITION: THE NEED, PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES. Room: University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus Engineering & Math EM212 Date(s): Thursday, 27/07/2023 Time: 6:10pm-7:00pm And Webinar: Passcode: 929301 Presenter: C. J. Kikkert, Adjunct A/Prof Adelaide Uni and James Cook Uni. BE, PhD, LSMIEEE, FIEAust. Abstract: Climate change and electricity costs require a change ...

CIT Summer Series – David A. Bader – Solving Global Grand Challenges with High Performance Data Analytics


This is a weekly session of the CIT Summer Series, with David A. Bader presenting Solving Global Grand Challenges with High Performance Data Analytics : Data science aims to solve grand global challenges such as: detecting and preventing disease in human populations; revealing community structure in large social networks; protecting our elections from cyber-threats, and ...

Careers in IT Baton Rouge 2023

LSU Business Education Complex, 501 South Quad Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, 70803

The Northwest Florida Computer & Communications Joint Society will be conducting a session titled 'Careers in IT - Baton Rouge 2023' from 11 am - noon during SQL Saturday Baton Rouge on the LSU Campus. The session will feature moderated Q&A with a panel of industry experts assembled for the event. For details on SQL ...

Atlanta Section ExCom/AdCom Bi-Monthly Meeting & Social

Room: Upstairs Bar Area, Bldg: Bold Monk Brewery, 1737 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Suite D-1, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30318

Atlanta Section Executive Committee / Administrative Committee & Social Networking Please join us for a networking social event and ExCom/AdCom meeting at the Bold Monk Brewery! Dinner is on us! This meeting is intended for Atlanta Section reporting, Chapter reportings, Affinity Group reportings, and Committee reportings. This meeting is open to anyone that is interested ...

Atlanta Section ExCom/AdCom Bi-Monthly Meeting & Social

Room: Upstairs Bar Area, Bldg: Bold Monk Brewery, 1737 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Suite D-1, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30318

Atlanta Section Executive Committee / Administrative Committee & Social Networking Please join us for a networking social event and ExCom/AdCom meeting at the Bold Monk Brewery! Dinner is on us! This meeting is intended for Atlanta Section reporting, Chapter reportings, Affinity Group reportings, and Committee reportings. This meeting is open to anyone that is interested ...

The Public Switching Telephone Network, do we still have one


During the 90’s the newly branded Telstra continues to radically digitise and expand the public switched telephone network, but it is no longer alone. During 1991 the Government issued a second telecommunications carrier licence, the process of public switched telephone network competition had begun. “Trunk bypass” allowed customers to select a long distance carrier for ...

IEEE R9 LMAG – Webinar "Climate Change" – David Bondurant (03/AUG/2023)


Los Grupos de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios del IEEE (LMAG) de Argentina, Monterrey, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay extienden una cordial invitación para asistir al webinario que se realizará el próximo jueves 3 de agosto de 2023, de 18:00 a 19:30 hora de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3:00), en el que David Bondurant disertará sobre ...

IEEE Buffalo Section Summer Social August 3, 2023

Woodcock Brothers Brewery, 908 Niagara Falls Blvd, North Tonawanda, New York, United States, 14120

The Buffalo Section Summer Social is an ideal time to enjoy an evening with IEEE Buffalo Section Officers and Members. Come join us for a very pleasant summer event. Dress: Engineer casual Cost: IEEE Members and guests $15 per person (cash or check made out to IEEE Buffalo Section) Reservations: By August 2, 2023 Contact: ...

CIT Summer Series – David A. Fisher – Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help


This is a weekly session of the CIT Summer Series, with David A Fisher presenting Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help : It was once widely believed that computers would enhance the speed, reliability, and applicability of human deductive reasoning in the physical and social sciences, much as motorized vehicles (e.g., cars, trains, ...

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting

Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, United States, 78756

The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including the annual Life Member luncheon and plans for 2024. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Prospects for a workshop. Other business. Central Market, 4001 ...

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting

Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, United States, 78756

The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including the annual Life Member luncheon and plans for 2024. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Prospects for a workshop. Other business. Central Market, 4001 ...

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