Events for January 27 - January 31 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE Hampton Roads ExCom


Review of goals for IEEE Life Member Affinity Group and the Hampton Roads Section. Virtual:

TALK 28: Transmission Line Asset Management


Transmission Line Asset Management: A presentation from the CIGRE 2024 Paris conference. Speaker: Dr. Janos Toth Speaker(s): Dr. Janos Toth Agenda: Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. Suggest you log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello. All IEEE members are ...

LSS LMAG Annual Appreciation Dinner

Room: Fire Place Room, Bldg: The Barn Door, 8400 N. New Braunfels Ave., San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209

[][]Annual IEEE LSS LMAG Appreciation Dinner. LMAG Active Volunteer Members cost is FREE. 1 Guest per member, cost is $20 (cash to be paid at the event). Prefered dress for LM volunteers: RED SHIRTS.. Pictures will be taken. Bar-Open Full. There is a choice of entrees: Filet, Chicken or Fish (Salmon), plus some Hor d'oeuvres ...

Cyber-physical Security Seminar

Room: 120, Bldg: BLDG A, 2000 Levy Ave., Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310, Virtual:

Cyber-physical Security Seminar Series Speaker(s): Dr. Stacy Prowell, Room: 120, Bldg: BLDG A, 2000 Levy Ave., Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310, Virtual:

Conversation with Graduate Students

Room: 120, Bldg: BLDG A, 2000 Levy Ave., Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310, Virtual:

Discussion with Dr. Prowell Speaker(s): Dr. Stacy Prowell, Room: 120, Bldg: BLDG A, 2000 Levy Ave., Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 32310, Virtual:

CSC November ExCom


Coastal South Carolina November ExCom This will likely be our virtual last ExCom for the Calendar Year. We will have a brief ExCom in December at the Holiday Social to close out business and announce Officers for next year. If you would like to be an Officer for the Coastal South Carolina Section, please let ...

Second CT Section LMAG Meeting


This is the second (virtual) meeting of the newly-formed Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) in the IEEE Connecticut Section. We will be appointing CT LMAG Officers for 2025, share information about upcoming or past outreach activities, and plan the first in-person speaker event in early 2025. Any Connecticut Life Member is welcome to participate. Agenda: ...

IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group AGM

Bldg: floor 11, 108 King William st, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group AGM. Note the IEEE LMAG is part of this group, the Chair and Vice chair are elected using IEEE procedures. The IET/IEEE REG executive (excluding the ex -officio LMAG chair and vice chair are elected at this meeting. Bldg: floor 11, 108 King William st, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

Operational Experience from a 100% Solar Network

Bldg: 11th Floor, 108 King William St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

Operational Experience from a 100% Solar Network Presenter: Cathryn McDonald, Network Optimisation Engineer, SAPN. This talk will share recent experiences from operating the South Australian distribution system under high rooftop PV conditions over the 2023 and 2024 Spring/Summer seasons. SA Power Networks is using innovative approaches such as the Flexible Exports program to securely and ...

Strategia energetica italiana e Comunità energetiche fra incertezze e speranze. A che punto siamo e dove puntiamo. Webinar


La transizione energetica procede dappertutto a singhiozzo. Anche l'Italia è costretta ad aggiornare la sua strategia energetica. Nessuna transizione è realisticamente possibile senza coinvolgere i cittadini. Comunità energetiche e aggregazioni varie sono strumenti necessari per arrivare a un profilo energetico sostenibile e conveniente. Comincia pertanto ad essere tempestiva qualche riflessione sull'esperienza accumulata, sui risultati ottenuti ...

Do we live in a world of illusions?

Room: 230 (Seminar room), Bldg: Center of Mechatronics, Biomechanics, and Nanoengineering, Poznan University of Technology, ul. Jana Pawla II 24, Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Poland, 60-965, Virtual:

Features of human image perception, including illusions caused by deeply implemented paradigms of object perception, especially of faces and silhouettes, will be discussed. Particular attention will be paid to recognizing the convexity and concavity of objects. Illusions related to human visual perception are the subject of contemporary research in artificial intelligence. Co-sponsored by: Poznan University ...

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