Events for March 20 - March 1 › Meetings of Interest

Careers in Technology – Summer Series 2024


Hawaii Members: Some of you are mentors to younger engineers. Please share this with anyone exploring new opportunities or a new career opportunity. Objective This series of events will allow attendees to experience a diverse range of topics within the information technology sector from engaging industry professionals. Audience These sessions are open to everyone. Audiences ...

Central States VHF Society Conference

Radisson Hotel Cedar Rapids, 1200 Collins Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 524042

The Central States VHF Society, Inc. (CSVHFS) began in the mid-1960s to foster amateur radio operation on the bands above 50 MHz. Membership currently numbers about 300, principally in the Midwest states. However, members reside in states from the Atlantic Coast to the West Coast as well as Canada and several foreign countries. The CSVHFS ...

IEEE Northern Canada Section Summer BBQ July 27 in Edmonton

Bldg: Site 1, 11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us Saturday, July 27 for the annual IEEE Northern Canada Section Barbeque at Emily Murphy Park Site 1 (11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW) in Edmonton from noon to 2 pm. This event is 'free' to IEEE members and their families. In order to reduce the number of no-shows, we are charging $10 per ...

NextGen Talks – Webinar #5 on "Bhuvan Geoportal – Data and Services for Governance"


[] 📢 Exciting webinar alert! 📢 Join us for NextGen Talks - Webinar 5 on "Bhuvan Geoportal - Data and Services for Governance" 🗓 Date: 28 July 2024 🕙 Time: 10:00 AM Speaker: Mr. Arulraj .M, Sci/Engr-SG, Group Head, Bhuvan Geoportal and Web Services Group, National Remote Sensing Centre Learn about cutting-edge geospatial technologies and ...

Luncheon – Tuesday 30 July – Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club

Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, 117 Ryedale Road, West Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 2114

[] You are invited to join other members at the Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club for lunch at 1230hrs on Tuesday 30 July. The Club is a short walk from West Ryde station and the buses along Victoria Rd from the City or Parramatta. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are ...

Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – Paul Carney – Unlock Your Business Potential with AI


The latest McKinsey Global Survey on AI in May of 2024 concludes that 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (GenAI) and 2024 is the year organizations truly began using—and deriving business value from—this new technology. An incredible 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using GenAI, which is nearly ...

NJ Coast Computer Chapter Social Meet-up Music "Under the Stars"

Terhune Park , 6 South Street , Matawan, New Jersey, United States, 07747

Agenda: Join in for a Social Meet-up Event -- listen to live music "Under the Stars" at the Terhune Park on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Bring your snacks, lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, and meet up with other IEEE Members, friends, family, and guests. Also, please suggest social events you would like to ...

Tour of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in Boulder

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

From their website: "NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them." On the tour, we will see the (, ( where they'll talk ...

Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – TBD


TBD - CIT Summer Series Session 5 Speaker(s): Careers in Tech Speaker Virtual:

AMSAT Oscar 7, Operating 50 Yr

Room: Floor 11, Bldg: Engineers Australia, 108 King William St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

The mostly Australian designed and constructed satellite AMSAT OSCAR 7, or AO-7, was launched on 15 November 1974 and has just reached 50 years in space. It is the oldest man-made satellite in history to have ever worked for as long as that - and it is still working! The primary aim of AO7 is ...

SA LMAG executive meeting

Room: Floor 11, Bldg: Engineers Auatralia, 108 King William St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

SA LMAG executive meeting held as part of South Australian IET/IEEE Retired Engineers group Executive meeting Room: Floor 11, Bldg: Engineers Auatralia, 108 King William St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

IEEE NY VTS Technology Forum: The role of cyber-physical systems in the ongoing mobility revolution

Room: 4054, One Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York, United States, 10119, Virtual:

In an ever-growing populous world, the automotive industry is faced with opportunities and challenges, which has been driving revolutionary changes to the automotive DNA. These involve an exponentially increasing electronic content and interconnected embedded (Cyber-Physical) systems, in contrast with the relatively simple stand-alone computing systems that once controlled basic engine and chassis functions. The realized ...

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