Condition Based Monitoring

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The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating presentation by Kevin Ruiz on CBM, Condition Based Monitoring.
The four critical system health attributes to any electrical system include thermal, insulation, environmental, and mechanical reliability. Powell’s Condition-Based Monitoring components and system oversees all four of these critical elements. Real-time monitoring of asset health is key to enable accurate, informed, and planned decisions, which guide the servicing of affected equipment prior to an unscheduled outage or system operation that may negatively impact the facilities’ processes. Intelligent hardware components enhance reliability, allow 24/7 remote monitoring, and help plan a predictive maintenance program to reduce downtime while helping to increase productivity. Combining the hardware with software for data acquisition and distribution of data, along with full SCADA function and system health of SCADA-H, make for a convenient tool that allows for quick, accurate, and cost-effective predictive maintenance decisions.
PLEASE register for this event to help have a list of participants to mark present and email PDH forms. Continue requesting PDHs to ensure you receive your PDH.
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Contact Roy lee brown if you cannot log in: 205-842-6761 or email for help.
I will email you a Link that works for me.
We look forward to you joining us and sharing this exciting program.
IEEE wishes to thank John Fischer Coop, UAB student and works for SCS as intern, for assisting Roy Brown to enter this eNotice program.
IEEE and SCS are proud sponsors of the USA college COOP program!!!! EAGA, Educating America to be Great Again!
Co-sponsored by: Joey Nelson – National Service Sales Executive of Powell Industries
Speaker(s): Kevin Ruiz, ,
4:00 PM Presentation
5:00 PM – Adjourn

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