The IEEE Atlanta section and its AP/MTT, ComSoc, and IM/EMC chapters are hosting a RF basics demonstration and workshop event targeted at teaching undergraduate engineering students the basics of RF concepts and measurements! The world of RF is vast and stems to various technical and research fields, and we find it important to give young engineers early hands-on experience and exposure to basic RF concepts.
Who can participate?
We are looking for volunteers with RF experience to help lead groups of 4-6 students on how to use a vector network analyzer (VNA) and explain fundamental RF concepts like reflection and transmission based on our planned hands-on activity of characterizing antennas and sensing material properties.
Where and When?
Date/Time: April 9, 2025 (Wednesday, 6:30-8:30PM)
Location: 777 Atlantic Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 (The HIVE Makerspace in the Van Leer Building, School of ECE)
Note: We have an optional dry-run at the HIVE on March 31, 2025 at 6pm to go through the activities and tour the makerspace location.
6:30-7:00PM – Welcome and background teaching
7:00-8:00PM – Hands-on guided demo
8:00-8:30PM – Networking/connecting with practicing RF engineers/researchers
Room: The HIVE Makerspace, Bldg: Van Leer, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 777 Atlantic Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30332