IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member monthly meeting at 4141 Louisiana Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant
Co-sponsored by: Thomas E. Slack, Jr., Chair North Lake Life Member Affinity Group
February 20, 2025
12:00PM Social meeting and lunch ordering
12:30PM Luncheon social
1:00PM Meeting opens with introduction of attendees
1:10PM Old Business:
Richard Miller Proposed Technical Meeting
February 20, 2025, Frances Grosz Present on "A Selective and Somewhat Personal History of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, Digital) and its computers
New business: If available
Francis Gros Will update us on what is happening in IEEE HQ
2:00PM Motion to adjourn
Bldg: Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant, 4141 St. Charles Ave , New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115
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