Subatomic Species Transport through Atomically Thin Membranes
Prof Piran Kidambi, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University |
Cost: Free, but registration is required. Register: Here
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Thurs Dec 15 – Agenda (California Time)
11:30 AM – Check-in & Journal Club: Fundamental transport mechanisms of atomically thin membranes
12:00 PM – Announcements and Speaker Introduction
12:10 – 1:30 PM – Seminar and Q&A

Membranes are thin materials used to selectively separate gases or liquids and are used on a range of scales from benchtop experiments to industrial processes. Challenges arise in separating materials with very similar sizes or chemical properties, particularly at the smallest scales. We review advances in using atomically thin two-dimensional materials such as graphene or hexagonal boron nitride for the separation of subatomic species, including electrons, hydrogen isotopes, and gases. We also explore the scope to scale up the sizes of these membranes and their potential use in applications relating to energy, microscopy, and electronics.
Read More: Subatomic species transport through atomically thin membranes

Piran Kidambi is an Assistant Professor at the Vanderbilt University Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (since 2017). After receiving his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2014, he pursued postdoctoral research at MIT through the Lindemann Trust Fellowship.
Kidambi’s research at Vanderbilt was recognized by the NSF (National Science Foundation) CAREER award (2020), American Chemical Society PRF Doctoral New Investigator (2018), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (2018), and other awards. He has served on the US National Graphene Association Academic Council since 2019 and is a guest editor for MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) Nanomaterials.