Student branches, chapters and affinity groups have enormous potential to help their community use IEEE resources to develop projects.
If your organizational unit has carried out any innovative activity, which stands out among other activities within the Region, whether it had a correct organization, good audience, won a prize, generated funds and resources for the Branch or managed to have agreements with other universities, companies or institutions, is an excellent candidate to be chosen as a case of success!
It is expected that projects that are considered success case, have good planning, execution, verification of results and a good conclusion, which includes documenting the project to be developed later in the organizational unit or in other IEEE units, in order to spread the knowledge of good practices and ideas.
- Student branch: includes activities organized by student branches,
- Student chapter: includes activities organized by student chapters,
- Student affinity group: includes activities organized by student affinity groups.
The winners of each category will be awarded the prize of:
- First place: US $ 100.00 + Certificate of recognition;
- Second place: US $ 50.00 + Certificate of recognition;
- Third place: Certificate of recognition.
Deadline for submissions:
August 7th, 2023 at 23:59 (GMT -8).
- Read the rules with ATTENTION before registering.
- It should be sent just ONE presentation video of the activity.
- Proof of eligibility must be in pdf.
- Every student group should have a chair and counselor/advisor reported in vTools Officer Reporting.
- The article must be sent in pdf. Items that are not in the template made available by the contest organizing commission will not be accepted.
- Citations must be in the IEEE standard. References should come at the end of the text organized numerically according to the order that the citations present during the document. See the IEEE citation guide.
- Additional documents must be sent through links (make sure these links will be accessible).
- All documents must be named as: [Name of the Organizational Unit] Name of the document. Example: [PES UFPB] Eligibility criteria.
- After the deadline, the documents can no longer be modified. The documents that present nonconformities will lose points according to the proportion of that nonconformity.
Need help? Contact with:
Carina Blasco
Paraguay, Prizes and Contests Coordinator
Alejandra Orellana
Ecuador, Prizes and Contests Coordinator