Jan 2018 Joint Technical Meeting

The IEEE PSCC January 2018 meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront in Jacksonville, Florida from Jan 7-11, 2018.  A draft of the PSCC agenda can be found here. There are also several other committees with meetings at the JTCM.

Note: The provided agenda is still being finalized and is subject to change over the coming weeks.

The purpose of the 2018 IEEE PES Joint Technical Committee Meeting is to provide a forum where PES technical committees can meet for up to 5 days to focus on technical matters and standards – the primary work of committees, subcommittees, working groups, and/or task forces – without the distractions of the unrelated elements generally found at other PES meetings or expositions.



Sunday – Thursday, January 7-11, 2018


Jacksonville, Florida, USA


Hyatt Regency Jacksonville
235 East Coastline Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 USA
1 + 904/588-1234 (main telephone)


On Scheduling Meeting rooms, please contact Solveig Ward (sward@quanta-technology.com) with a copy to Conference Management Services (CMS).

For Registration, please contact info@pestechnical.org.

On-Site Registration Hours
Sunday, January 7 7:30 – 17:00
Monday, January 8 7:00 – 19:00
Pre-Registrant Bage Pickup Only 17:00 – 19:00
Tuesday, January 9 7:00 – 17:00
Wednesday, January 10 7:30 – 17:00
Thursday, January 11 7:30 – 13:00