Peoria, IL: Electromagnetic Compatibility Talk : September 19th
This is a special reminder for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) technical talk approaching on Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 6 PM. All IEEE members, IEEE student members, and prospective IEEE members are invited to this presentation. Attendees are urged to sign up early in advance of the September 19th registration deadline.
- Event time: Thursday, September 19th, 2024, 6 PM to 8 PM Central Time
- Event location: Room 4120, Business and Engineering Convergence Center (BECC), Bradley University, 1500 W. Main St. Peoria, IL, 61606
- Event homepage and webinar instructions:

For attendees who plan to join via the web or by phone, see the above event homepage link to retrieve the WebEx teleconferencing instructions or global call-in phone number.