Call for Abstracts (Posters and Demos)

Please note: deadline for abstracts submission: August 30th extended to September 20th.


We invite submissions of abstracts for posters and demos.  Please download the updated flyer for more information.

We encourage all interested individuals and teams (students, professionals, practitioners at any level of your career) to submit their abstracts for consideration.  All submitted abstracts will undergo a review process by a review team. Authors will be notified in a timely manner.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: September 20, 2024
For questions, contact

Your contribution will make this conference a valuable and exciting experience for all attendees.  We look forward to welcoming you at the First IEEE Baltimore Technical Colloquium and Professional Development Conference!

Submission Guidelines

Suggested Format and Guidelines for 1-page Abstract Proposal (Poster Sessions):
1. Header: Place title at the top of the page and include author(s) name and affiliation. Consider using a title that is self-explanatory and delivers a message.
2. Introduction: Provide a few sentences that explains the purpose and context of the proposed poster.
3. Problem Statement: Clearly state the problem you are addressing or have solved. This is the “why” of your project.
4. Solution and Results: Briefly explain solution approach and the results. Highlight the key benefits or advantages of your solution.
5. Conclusion: Conclude with the “key take-aways”
6. Contact information: Include email, phone number, social media or website links.
7. References: (Optional)
Note: The poster display size requirement will be specified in the acceptance notification.

Suggested Format and Guidelines for 1-page Abstract proposal (Demos)
1. Header: Place title at the top of the page and include author(s) name and affiliation. Consider using a title that is self-explanatory and delivers a message.
2. Introduction: Clearly state the name of the project or product. Provide a brief overview of the project, and if a product what it does.
3. Problem Statement: Identify the problem or main point that your project or product addresses.
4. Solution Showcase: Explain how your demonstration solves the problem you have identified.
5. References: (Optional)
6. Equipment: Specify if you have any request, such as access to an electric outlet so you may be located near one.