October 2018 Section Meeting


Join us for the October 2018 Section meeting.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 25 Oct 2018
  • Time: 10:30 PM UTC to 02:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • NTS
  • 3761 S. Central Ave
  • Rockford, Illinois
  • United States 61102

  • Contact Event Host
  • Andrew Baker - abaker@ieee.org

  • Co-sponsored by NTS
  • Starts 17 September 2018 02:10 AM UTC
  • Ends 25 October 2018 06:00 PM UTC
  • Admission fee ?
  • Menu: Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian


NTS Tour


Tour of NTS Testing Facility

This meeting will feature a tour of the NTS Rockford EMI/EMC and Environmental Test facility.

For more info about NTS, check out their website:


Colin E. Brench Colin E. Brench of Principal Engineer at Amphenol High Speed Interconnects


Radiated Emissions: Understanding Product and Measurement Antenna Behavior

Antenna behavior is complex in an environment that does not approach that of free space, and is particularly so if the antenna is incidental to a device or system.  There are numerous, unintended antennas that are present in every electronic device.  With the high data rates in use today, even small structures can be effective, unwanted antennas.  The impact of how a device is mounted into a chassis or how a chassis is mounted into a rack can be unexpected.  Every conductor with a radio frequency current on it is an antenna to some degree, and understanding how these unintended antennas are created and driven is a powerful tool in controlling radiated emissions. 

This presentation will first explore the behavior of both measurement antennas and unintended antennas.  Secondly, various sized systems will be discussed, from the very small devices up though full sized racks of systems.  Finally, animations of field propagation will be used to help visualize how the RF energy travels and is radiated. Important details such as the addition of a ferrite core filter on a cable and cable shield bonding will also be shown.


Colin E. Brench (M'80-SM'04) is currently a Principal Engineer at Amphenol High Speed Interconnects, in Nashua, New Hampshire, where he is responsible for the EMC aspects of high data rate (10 to 56 Gbps) interconnect schemes. He received his B.Sc. (Hons) in Electronic Engineering at The City University, London, in 1975, and has been particularly active in the areas of EMC, antennas, and shielding behavior since the early 1970's.  Colin has presented numerous EMC workshops and training classes that embrace a broad range of topics including microprocessor packaging, printed circuit module issues, system design, and shielding.  He is a co-author of the book, EMI/EMC Computational Modeling Handbook (Springer, 2nd Edition 2001), has authored over 20 technical papers and articles, and holds 12 patents for various methods of EMI control. 

Colin is a Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the EMC Society since 1980, and an iNARTE certified EMC Master Design Engineer.  He was appointed a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE EMC Society for 2001 and 2002, and has given several seminars for various IEEE chapters and sections.  In 2002 he was awarded the Certificate of Technical Achievement by the IEEE EMC Society for his contributions to the development of EMC modeling directed to understanding EMI shielding and antenna behavior. Colin has also been active in IEEE EMC-S standards, IEEE EMC-S Technical Committee 9 (TC-9), ANSI ASC63, and served 11 years on the IEEE EMC-S Board of Directors.  Colin received the EMC Society Honored Member Award in May 2018, recognizing a lifetime of dedicated service to the Society.


5:30 PM Tour of NTS

6:30 PM Dinner

7:15 PM Presentation



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