Reclamation Day

#IEEEDay #university-texarkana #student

EE/STEM/ELECTRONIC MAJORS WELCOME!! Do you have big ideas and no way to execute them? Attend Reclamation Day and seek a connection with the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, headlining this event is Dr. Chowdury  a consulting figure in our organization! Learn about future events, Trips and venues you can use to explore your creative ability in the electrical field!

Reclamation Day PosterAdd a heading.pdf

Reclamation Day is the beginning of what is to be a regular discussion board where students can ask about future events, initiatives and the role IEEE in their lives academic students and future industry leaders. The event hosted will have food and beverages to attract the students to relax and open their minds to the possibility of the change brought through EE/STEM/ and electronic majors, we vie for public input and emphasis the need to fill the Officer roles with future prospect with student volunteers. Vicariously we also seek to inform our members of the direct benefits in the IEEE as official members and how those experiences can be attributed in events, campaigns and trips to electronic related industries. Campaigns are also a corner stone of this event as the final note of the event we seek to unveil Catbox Inc. a non profit organization that was headlined by a senior member of the CS Emilee Herrington whom after graduating contracted the local chapter of IEEE to solve a local issue with the feline population, this event is very much inclined to bring together the aspect of social networking and humanitarian purposes which could later be fitted into the prospect of a headlining initiative which can be implemented independently of industry. Join us in highlighting the need to bring about change through the progress of discussion and technological breakthroughs!

  Date and Time




  • Date: 20 Feb 2025
  • Time: 06:00 PM UTC to 07:01 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 7101 University Ave.
  • Texarkana, Texas
  • United States 75501
  • Building: University Center
  • Room Number: TEXAR Room

  • Contact Event Host
  • Carlos J. Escamilla (


  • Co-sponsored by Office Of Student Life/ Jabia Chowdhury
  • Survey: Fill out the survey
  • Starts 04 February 2025 06:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 20 February 2025 06:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Jabia Chowdhury of University Professors



Dr. Jabia Mostofa Chowdhury is the opening speaker for the Reclamation Day discussion board, she has a docket on potetial events and agendas that align with the IEEE her main goal is to connect with students and highlight events with the officer board during the event.   


Texas A&M Texarkana | Jabia Chowdhury, PhD Dr. Jabia Mostofa Chowdhury is a tenure-track assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University- Texarkana (TAMUT). Dr. Jabia completed her master's in and Ph.D. from the University of Memphis, TN, and then joined as a postdoctoral associate at the University at Buffalo for one year before joining TAMUT. Dr. Jabia’s research interest is computational modeling and studying human diseases, especially the diseases of the human eyes i.e. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma.   


Address:7101 University Ave., , Texarkana, United States, 75501

Charli Escamilla of Insitute of Electrical Engineering and Elecronics



Carlos J. Escamilla is to deliver a closing remarks on the events to be promoted for the Spring 2025 and delegate officer positions for potential members he is 2nd Year student with a focus of Electrical Engineering. His current proclivities are to revamp recruitment work alongside consulting and other professors on campus and cultivate a functioning IEEE chapter.


Experience includes working with the KLFI 35 Broadcast Company as a Contractor for 1+ year, Machine handling with  Cameras and broadcasting equipment, Analytics and Realtime filming of sporting events. Current chairperson of the local IEEE chapter.


Address:7101 University Ave., , Texarkana, United States, 75503


Member Recruitment, Event Promotion, Partnerships with other engineering groups not relegated to ME or CBET, Information, Intergration and Open Discussion, and Project Highlights.

Event is to be Held in the TEXAR Room in the University Center at 12-1:00PM you can RSVP with: