Hybrid Conference "Hydropower Generation" by Edson Bortoni
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"Hydropower Generation"
Edson Bortoni
The presentation presents general facts of hydropower generation around the world, design characteristics, modern application supporting renewable energy generation. Special attention is paied to the main civil and mechanical components, hydroturbines and to the electrical machines applied to the small and big hydropower stations.
Edson C. Bortoni (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Maringaì, Brazil, in 1966. He received the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Itajubaì (UNIFEI), Itajubaì, Brazil, in 1990, the M.Sc. degree in energy systems planning from the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 1993, the D.Sc. degree in power systems from the Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1998, and the Habilitation degree from USP, in 2012.
He was a Professor with Sao Paulo State University, Guaratinguetaì, Brazil. He was also a Visiting Scholar with Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, the Eìcole Polytechnique Feìdeìrale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He is currently a Full Professor with UNIFEI.
He is also the Head of the EXCEN—Excellence Center in Energy Efficiency. His research interests include electrical machine design, testing, and modeling, power generation, energy systems, sensors, and smart grids. He is a member of EMC, WG-7 (IEEE STD. 115), WG-8 (IEEE STD. C50.13), and WG10 (IEEE STD. 1110), of the EMC Grid Code Task Force.
He is a Fellow Member of the International Hydropower Association and the International Society of Automation. He is the Chair of the Generator Subcommittee and WG-4 (IEEE STD. C50.12), and several technical sessions in important conferences, including PowerTech, the IEEE PES General Meeting, IEMDC, and others. He is an Assistant Editor and a Subject Editor of the IET GTD journal and an Assistant Editor of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation journal. He is the President of the Brazilian Energy Planning Society.
He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE PES.
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Feb 2025
- Time: 08:30 PM UTC to 09:30 PM UTC
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- Universidad de la República
- Julio Herrera y Reissig 565
- Montevideo, Montevideo
- Uruguay
- Building: Facultad de Ingeniería
- Room Number: Salón de Actos - Edificio Central
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Hosts
For inquiries, please contact Gonzalo Casaravilla at g.casaravilla@ieee.org
Chair of the Power, Energy, Instrumentation and Measurements Chapter of the Uruguay Section of the IEEE.
- Co-sponsored by Departamento de Potencia, Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Facultad de Ingeniería, UDELAR, Uruguay (https://iie.fing.edu.uy/)
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