IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Annual Meeting 2023 & Life Members meeting
English version follows
Vážení členové Československé sekce IEEE,
dovolte nám pozvat vás na valnou hromadu, která se uskuteční v pátek dne 19. 1. 2024 v prostorách ÚTEF ČVUT v Praze, Husova 240/5, Praha,
Samotné valné hromadě bude předcházet setkání skupiny Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) a přednáška Dr. Richarda Selbyho "Development of Telecommunications", na které jste také zváni.
Prosíme, zaregistrujte se, čímž nám dáte vědět, zda přijdete, zda budete chtít ubytování a zda event. budete žádat o zakoupení elektronické jízdenky (bus, vlak). Prosíme o reakci aspoň týden předem, tj. do pátku 12. 1. 2024, 24:00. V tento okamžik bude registrace uzavřena.
Do druhého oznámení jsme přidali možnost virtuální účasti na samotné valné hromadě (od 15:00). Všem registrovaným pošleme včas odkaz.
Ubytování nabídneme podle dostupnosti hotelů (,
Za představenstvo
Jan Šístek, pokladník
Dear members of the Czechoslovakia Section IEEE,
Let us invite you to the annual meeting of the Czechoslovakia Section IEEE that will take place on January 19, 2024 in the premises of the IEAP of the CTU in Prague, Husova 240/5, Praha,
The annual meeting will be preceded by a Life Members Affinity Group meeting and a presentation given by Dr. Richard Selby "Development of Telecommunications". You are welcome to attend this part too.
Please, register yourself so that we will count with you and eventually express if you need accommodation and/or e-ticket (bus, train). Please register at least 1 week ago, i.e. until Friday 12, 2024, 12:00 pm. That day registration will be closed.
The second annoucement offers a chance to participate virtually at the Annual Meeting (from 3:00pm). All registered members will receive meeting link in advance.
Accommodation will be offered according to actual hotel availability (,
On behalf of the Executive Committee
Jan Šístek, treasurer
Date and Time
- Date: 19 Jan 2024
- Time: 01:30 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+01:00) Prague
Add Event to Calendar
- Husova 240/5
- Praha, Czech Republic
- Czech Republic
- Room Number: 101 (first floor)
- Click here for Map
- Starts 03 January 2024 11:00 AM
- Ends 12 January 2024 11:59 PM
- All times are (UTC+01:00) Prague
- No Admission Charge
Dr. Richard Selby
Development of Telecommunications (LMAG lecture)
Richard Selby is a Life Member of the IEEE. He was born in the UK and worked for many years in the telecommunications industry for a British company.
His work in the telecoms industry took him to many countries beginning (in 1968) with Bermuda, operating and maintaining shortwave radiotelephone links to the USA, and ship to shore radio links. He was also involved in the NASA communications links, providing "high speed data" of 2.8 kb/s and 3.2kb/s between Bermuda, and the US tracking ships in the North Atlantic using HF radio.
As technology advanced, so did Richard's work, involving him in analogue submarine cable systems, tropospheric scatter radio systems, satellite earth station technology, radio broadcasting (with the BBC), and concluding (in the late 1980s) with optical fibre systems for the UK's recently liberalised telecoms market.
Richard has been working as a lecturer in the Management and Marketing department at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague since 2002.
13:30 - 14:00, LMAG meeting (all the IEEE members are welcome)
14:00 - 14:10, Welcome from host institution
14:10 - 14:40, Presentation of Richard Selby "Development of Telecommunications"
15:00 - 16:00, IEEE Czechoslovakia section annual meeting (in hybrid form- second announcement)
16:00 - 19:00, Reception with string duo introduction.