Film Studies

The Non-Professional Actor: Italian Neorealist Cinema and Beyond, Catherine O’Rawe (2024)
Review of: The Non-Professional Actor: Italian Neorealist Cinema and Beyond Catherine O’Rawe (2024)
London: Bloomsbury Academic 249 pp.
ISBN 978-1-50139-435-5 h/bk £90

Italian Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion, Marco Malvestio and Stefano Serafini (eds) (2023)
Review of: Italian Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion Marco Malvestio and Stefano Serafini (eds) (2023)
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 255 pp.
ISBN 978-1-47449-016-0 h/bk £90
ISBN 978-1-47449-018-4 e-book £24.99

Quo Vadis?, Cabiria and the ‘Archaeologists’: Early Italian Cinema’s Appropriation of Art and Archaeology, Ivo Blom (2023)
Review of: Quo Vadis? Cabiria and the ‘Archaeologists’: Early Italian Cinema’s Appropriation of Art and Archaeology Ivo Blom (2023)
Turin: Edizione Kaplan 312 pp.
ISBN 978-8-89955-966-3 p/bk €40.00

Italian Cinema in the Present Tense, Millicent Marcus (2023)
Review of: Italian Cinema in the Present Tense Millicent Marcus (2023)
Toronto: University of Toronto Press 290 pp.
ISBN 978-1-48754-619-9 p/bk $39.95

Fashioning Submission: Documenting Fashion, Taste and Identity in WWII Italy through Bellezza Magazine, Silvia Vacirca (2023)
Review of: Fashioning Submission: Documenting Fashion Taste and Identity in WWII Italy through Bellezza Magazine Silvia Vacirca (2023)
Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis International 219 pp.
ISBN 978-8-86977-421-8 p/bk £17.99

Bloodstained Narratives: The Giallo Film in Italy and Abroad, Matthew Edwards and Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns (eds) (2023)
Review of: Bloodstained Narratives: The Giallo Film in Italy and Abroad Matthew Edwards and Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns (eds) (2023)
Jackson MS: University Press of Mississippi 208 pp.
ISBN 978-1-49684-446-0 p/bk $30

Italian Americans in Film: Establishing and Challenging Italian American Identities, Daniele Fioretti and Fulvio Orsitto (eds) (2023)
Review of: Italian Americans in Film: Establishing and Challenging Italian American Identities Daniele Fioretti and Fulvio Orsitto (eds) (2023)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 309 pp.
ISBN 978-3-03106-464-7 p/bk $149.17

Women’s Work in Post-War Italy: An Oral and Filmic History, Flora Derounian (2023)
Review of: Women’s Work in Post-War Italy: An Oral and Filmic History Flora Derounian (2023)
Bristol: Intellect xi+218 pp.
ISBN 978-1-78938-812-1 h/bk $134.95

Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long ’68, Mauro Resmini (2023)
Review of: Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long ’68 Mauro Resmini (2023)
Minneapolis MN and London: University of Minnesota Press 302 pp.
ISBN 978-1-51791-138-6 p/bk $28.00

Women and Migration in Contemporary Italian Cinema: Screening Hospitality, Giovanna Faleschini Lerner (2023)
Review of: Women and Migration in Contemporary Italian Cinema: Screening Hospitality Giovanna Faleschini Lerner (2023)
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 216 pp.
ISBN 978-1-80207-721-6 h/bk $130.00

C’era una volta in America: Storia del cinema italiano negli Stati Uniti, 1946–2000, Damiano Garofalo (2023)
Review of: C’era una volta in America: Storia del cinema italiano negli Stati Uniti 1946–2000 Damiano Garofalo (2023)
Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore 246 pp.
ISBN 978-8-84987-732-8 p/bk €17.31

Secret Violences: The Political Cinema of Michelangelo Antonioni 1960–1975, Sławomir Masłoń (2023)
Review of: Secret Violences: The Political Cinema of Michelangelo Antonioni 1960–1975 Sławomir Masłoń (2023)
New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic 185 pp.
ISBN 978-1-50139-823-0 h/bk £81.00

Comunicazioni sociali, Special Issue: ‘Gender and Labour in the Italian Audiovisual Industries: Critical Research Approaches and Methods’, Rosa Barotsi, Gloria Dagnino and Carla Mereu Keating (eds) (2023)
Review of: Comunicazioni sociali Special Issue: ‘Gender and Labour in the Italian Audiovisual Industries: Critical Research Approaches and Methods’ Rosa Barotsi Gloria Dagnino and Carla Mereu Keating (eds) (2023)
Milan: Vita e pensiero 124 pp.
ISSN 0392-8667 p/bk €101.00

Kinematografia i literatura sardyńska a tożsamość regionalna: Od Grazii Deleddy do Salvatore Mereu, Ewa Baszak (2022)
Review of: Kinematografia i literatura sardyńska a tożsamość regionalna: Od Grazii Deleddy do Salvatore Mereu Ewa Baszak (2022)
Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 222 pp.
ISBN 978-8-32293-773-0 p/bk

Basilicata and Southern Italy between Film and Ecology, Alberto Baracco and Manuela Gieri (eds) (2023)
Review of: Basilicata and Southern Italy between Film and Ecology Alberto Baracco and Manuela Gieri (eds) (2023)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 286 pp.
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-13572-9
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-03113-572-9
eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-13573-6

Wandering Women: Urban Ecologies of Italian Feminist Filmmaking, Laura Di Bianco (2023)
Review of: Wandering Women: Urban Ecologies of Italian Feminist Filmmaking Laura Di Bianco (2023)
Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press 215 pp.
ISBN 978-0-25306-464-6 p/bk $25.00