
Fashion Projects
15 Years of Fashion in Dialogue
Fashion Projects: 15 Years of Fashion in Dialogue anthologizes the New York–based journal Fashion Projects. The book is an index of a particular time within the fashion studies landscape and the attendant fields of fashion writing fashion curation and critical fashion practice during which the field witnessed a meteoric rise.
The long-running non-profit journal Fashion Projects was described by The Paris Review as “a journal devoted to critical discourse in fashion” Fashion Projects was founded in New York in 2005 as a zine. It gradually morphed into a larger journal straddling the academic and general interest worlds with international distribution and an ardent readership. It served as a platform to highlight the importance of fashion within current critical discourses through longform interviews with a range of curators critics artists and designers. This book collects together the best articles from the journal most issues of which are now unavailable.
From exploring the rise of digital fashion media with Penny Martin (the founding editor-in-chief of SHOWstudio) to the continued importance of connoisseurship with Harold Koda (former Curator in Chief of the Met’s Costume Institute) the anthology records the increasing centrality of fashion to contemporary critical discourse.