Cultural Studies

A Florilegium of Literary Translations For John Flower
May 1996
Keith Cameron and
Martin Sorrell
When a number of language experts were each invited to choose and translate a piece of writing on the subject - simply - of 'flower' Jonquils was the result.

Clothing Cultures
ISSN: 2050-0742
E-ISSN: 2050-0750
We all wear clothes. We are all therefore invested at some level in the production and consumption of clothing. This journal intends to embrace issues and themes that are both universal and personal addressing [and dressing] us all. Increasingly as we all become accomplished semioticians clothing becomes the key signifier in determining social interaction and behaviour and sartorial norms dictate socio-cultural appropriateness. Following the rise of fashion theory on an everyday level we all understand that our clothes 'say' something about us about our times nation system of values. Yet clothing is not fashion; clothing is a term derivative from 'cloth' to cover the body whereas fashion alludes to the glamorous the ephemeral and the avant garde. We wear clothes but imagine fashion-an unattainable ideal.

Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies
ISSN: 1757-1898
E-ISSN: 1757-1901
The Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies (CJCS) is committed to publishing research and theoretical articles in the fields of media studies popular culture and cinema public relations and advertising studies social communication new media language uses in the media communication and cultural policies social and national identities gender studies sports and leisure tourism and heritage among other related issues. CJCS publishes double blind peer-reviewed articles and its aims and scope cover not only Catalan media and cultural systems but also other social contexts.

Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration
ISSN: 2397-7140
E-ISSN: 2397-7159
Transient migration due to the global movements of people for work study and lifestyle is part of everyday life. This journal thus aims to provide a platform that explores and investigates the complexities of transient migration and to map the experiences of the growing number of transient migrants as they engage and interact with communities that are linked both to their home and host nations. This journal seeks to look at the ways in which transient migrants cope with transience and how transient migration affects individuals and communities in this transitional yet significant period. The scope of the journal will include but not be limited to themes of belonging identity networks nation culture religion race and ethnicity gender and memory while incorporating the roles played by various platforms to facilitate these themes such as media politics policy economy and the creative industries.

European Journal of American Culture
ISSN: 1466-0407
E-ISSN: 1758-9118
The European Journal of American Culture (EJAC) is an academic refereed journal for scholars academics and students from many disciplines with a common involvement in the interdisciplinary study of America and American culture drawing on a variety of approaches and encompassing the whole evolution of the country.

International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
ISSN: 1751-2867
E-ISSN: 1751-2875
The International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies is a new peer-reviewed tri- annual academic publication devoted to the study of modern Iraq. In recognition of Iraq's increasingly important position on the world stage the time is right for a new journal dedicated to scholarly engagement with the country.

Horror Studies
ISSN: 2040-3275
E-ISSN: 2040-3283
Horror Studies intends to serve the international academic community in the humanities and specifically those scholars interested in horror. Exclusively examining horror this journal will provide interested professionals with an opportunity to read outstanding scholarship from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including work conceived as interdisciplinary. By expanding the conversation to include specialists concerned with diverse historical periods varied geography and a wide variety of expressive media this journal will inform and stimulate anyone interested in a wider and deeper understanding of horror

International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development
ISSN: 1474-2748
E-ISSN: 2040-0551
The International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development supports new philosophies on technology and development their relationship to globalisation and the problems of world poverty and environmental degradation. The journal explores global social economic and environmental conditions in relation to shifts in technology and market paradigms.

Journal of European Popular Culture
ISSN: 2040-6134
E-ISSN: 2040-6142
The Journal of European Popular Culture investigates the creative cultures of Europe present and past. Exploring European popular imagery media new media film music art and design architecture drama and dance fine art literature and the writing arts and more the journal is also of interest to those considering the influence of European creativity and European creative artefacts worldwide.

Journal of Class & Culture
ISSN: 2634-1123
E-ISSN: 2634-1131
The Journal of Class & Culture is a provocative theoretical and empirical intervention into debates concerning class and culture. We reject and challenge the rendering of class as an archaic concept and engage with class as a dynamic category actively shaped by the changing demands of capitalism.

International Journal of Francophone Studies
ISSN: 1368-2679
E-ISSN: 1758-9142
The International Journal of Francophone Studies offers a critical preview for a new development in the understanding of 'France outside France' with a thorough insight into the network of disciplinary issues affiliated with this study. The journal complements the thriving area of scholarly interest in the French-speaking regions of the world bringing a location of linguistic cultural historical and social dynamics within a single academic arena.

Baha'i Studies Review
ISSN: 1354-8697
E-ISSN: 2040-1701
Baha'i Studies Review is an academic journal dealing with all aspects of the study of the Baha'i Faith. All papers submitted are subject to a peer review process.

Short Fiction in Theory & Practice
ISSN: 2043-0701
E-ISSN: 2043-071X
Short Fiction in Theory and Practice is an interdisciplinary journal celebrating the current resurgence in short-story writing and research. Looking at short fiction from a practice-based perspective it explores the poetics of short-story writing adaptation translation and the place of the short story in global culture.

East Asian Journal of Popular Culture
ISSN: 2051-7084
E-ISSN: 2051-7092
The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is the leading academic peer-reviewed journal for scholars teachers and students from around the world interested in the popular culture of East Asia. In recent decades East Asian popular culture has attracted increasing attention within academia and beyond. The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is one manifestation of this serving as an important forum for academic debate over popular cultural phenomena throughout the region and their social and political ramifications. The journal's scope embraces all aspects of popular culture in East Asia as well as the cultural interplay between East Asia and the wider world. Encompassing work on genres from film to music art to translation and fashion to tourism; the journal offers a forum where multidisciplinary work can come together in new and exciting ways. We welcome original scholarship related to all aspects of East Asian popular culture from creation to dissemination and beyond. We also offer a space for shorter reviews or reports of cultural events and activities and for reviews of scholarship in any language related to East Asian popular culture.
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