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Advances in Metal Music and Culture
ISSN: 2752-4426
E-ISSN: 2752-4434
Book Series
Series Editors: Keith Kahn-Harris and Rosemary Lucy Hill
Metal music studies is a fast-expanding interdisciplinary field that spans across subject area fields in the social sciences performing arts and humanities. Intellect's Advances in Metal Music and Culture publishes monographs edited collections and short books on metal and its associated sub-genres. The series builds on and continues the work of Emerald Studies in Metal Music and Culture with the same series editors. It continues to provide a home for the growing number of scholars – from a wide variety of backgrounds – who wish to critically reflect on metal music around the world as a cultural product.
The series editors are keen to receive proposals or ideas for proposals from scholars working on any aspect of metal music and culture. They are interested to receive proposals from scholars at any stage of their career including recent Ph.D.s. Proposals that deal with metal outside of Europe and North America are particularly welcome but the editors are happy to discuss any ideas that fit within the broad scope of the series aims.
The series is peer-reviewed and draws on the expertise of an International Advisory Board.
To submit a proposal to the series or for more information please contact the series editors:
Keith Kahn-Harris ([email protected]); Rosemary Lucy Hill ([email protected]).
Metal music studies is a fast-expanding interdisciplinary field that spans across subject area fields in the social sciences performing arts and humanities. Intellect's Advances in Metal Music and Culture publishes monographs edited collections and short books on metal and its associated sub-genres. The series builds on and continues the work of Emerald Studies in Metal Music and Culture with the same series editors. It continues to provide a home for the growing number of scholars – from a wide variety of backgrounds – who wish to critically reflect on metal music around the world as a cultural product.
The series editors are keen to receive proposals or ideas for proposals from scholars working on any aspect of metal music and culture. They are interested to receive proposals from scholars at any stage of their career including recent Ph.D.s. Proposals that deal with metal outside of Europe and North America are particularly welcome but the editors are happy to discuss any ideas that fit within the broad scope of the series aims.
The series is peer-reviewed and draws on the expertise of an International Advisory Board.
To submit a proposal to the series or for more information please contact the series editors:
Keith Kahn-Harris ([email protected]); Rosemary Lucy Hill ([email protected]).
Artwork Scholarship: International Perspectives in Education
ISSN: 2632-7872
E-ISSN: 2632-9182
Book Series
Series Editors: Anita Sinner and Rita Irwin
The aim of Artwork Scholarship is to invite debate on and provide an essential resource for transnational scholars engaged in creative research involving visual literary and performative arts. Approaches may include arts-based practice-based a/r/tography artistic research creation and more and explore pedagogical and experimental perspectives reflective and evaluative assessments methodological deliberations and ethical issues and concerns in relation to a host of topic areas in education.
Manuscripts address questions such as: What is artwork scholarship? How does arts education compare internationally? What educational approaches and modes are widening debates concerning the arts? How might best practices be adapted transnationally? Does arts research contribute to sustainability of the arts at a time of globalization of education?
We invite manuscripts that align with the following streams of inquiry:
International Perspectives: Themed collections that investigate art as research inclusive of diverse global viewpoints (80000 – 120000 words).
Communities of Practice: Regional perspectives and/or specific topics and issues relating to art as research (50000 – 80000 words).
Artful Expressions: Exposés such as graphic novels visual essays and short format essays that are simultaneously concise and artful and demonstrate innovative and enduring issues questions events and encounters (20000 – 50000 words e-books print-on-demand).
Proposals should identify the stream of inquiry and demonstrate how the proposed topic(s) expand artwork scholarship with explicit engagement of textual-artistic relationships. Each stream offers unique opportunities for depth and/or breadth of investigation and artistic engagement.
Please note: Open Access publications are strongly encouraged.
For any enquiries contact [email protected] and [email protected].
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Advisory Review Board
David Andrew University of the Witwatersrand
Fernando Hernandez Hernandez University of Barcelona
Kim Snepvangers University of New South Wales
Kazuyo Nakamura Hiroshima University
Li-Yan Wang National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)
Donal O’Donoghue University of British Columbia
Belidson Dias Universidade de Brasilia
Nicholas Houghton University for the Creative Arts
Helene Illeris University of Agder
Victoria Pavlou Frederick University Cyprus
Raphael Vella University of Malta
Readers of Artwork Scholarship books may also be interested in a related publication Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education (2018) originally published by Lapland University Press available Open Access.
The aim of Artwork Scholarship is to invite debate on and provide an essential resource for transnational scholars engaged in creative research involving visual literary and performative arts. Approaches may include arts-based practice-based a/r/tography artistic research creation and more and explore pedagogical and experimental perspectives reflective and evaluative assessments methodological deliberations and ethical issues and concerns in relation to a host of topic areas in education.
Manuscripts address questions such as: What is artwork scholarship? How does arts education compare internationally? What educational approaches and modes are widening debates concerning the arts? How might best practices be adapted transnationally? Does arts research contribute to sustainability of the arts at a time of globalization of education?
We invite manuscripts that align with the following streams of inquiry:
International Perspectives: Themed collections that investigate art as research inclusive of diverse global viewpoints (80000 – 120000 words).
Communities of Practice: Regional perspectives and/or specific topics and issues relating to art as research (50000 – 80000 words).
Artful Expressions: Exposés such as graphic novels visual essays and short format essays that are simultaneously concise and artful and demonstrate innovative and enduring issues questions events and encounters (20000 – 50000 words e-books print-on-demand).
Proposals should identify the stream of inquiry and demonstrate how the proposed topic(s) expand artwork scholarship with explicit engagement of textual-artistic relationships. Each stream offers unique opportunities for depth and/or breadth of investigation and artistic engagement.
Please note: Open Access publications are strongly encouraged.
For any enquiries contact [email protected] and [email protected].
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Advisory Review Board
David Andrew University of the Witwatersrand
Fernando Hernandez Hernandez University of Barcelona
Kim Snepvangers University of New South Wales
Kazuyo Nakamura Hiroshima University
Li-Yan Wang National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)
Donal O’Donoghue University of British Columbia
Belidson Dias Universidade de Brasilia
Nicholas Houghton University for the Creative Arts
Helene Illeris University of Agder
Victoria Pavlou Frederick University Cyprus
Raphael Vella University of Malta
Readers of Artwork Scholarship books may also be interested in a related publication Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education (2018) originally published by Lapland University Press available Open Access.
BCMCR New Directions in Media and Cultural Research
ISSN: 2752-4515
E-ISSN: 2752-4523
Book Series
Series Editors: Oliver Carter Kirsten Forkert Nicholas Gebhardt and Dima Saber.
The Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research’s ‘New Directions’ book series aims to advance research and teaching in the broad range of media and cultural studies and to serve as the focal point for a community of scholars who are committed to critical inquiry and collaborative practice. Books in the series engage with developments in the field showing how new theoretical approaches have impacted on research within both media and cultural studies and other related disciplines. Each volume will focus on a specific theme or issue as well as exploring broader processes of social and cultural transformation. The series is committed to producing distinctive titles that challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries and question existing paradigms including innovative scholarship in areas such as the creative industries; media history heritage and archives; games studies; gender and sexuality; screen cultures; jazz and popular music studies; media and conflict; songwriting studies; and critical theory. The editors are also keen to encourage authors to experiment with non-standard approaches to academic writing.
For more information about the series or to submit a proposal please contact the series editor:
Nicholas Gebhardt: [email protected]
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Editorial Board
Joanna Garde-Hansen University of Warwick
Paul Long Monash University
John Mercer Birmingham City University
Karen Patel Birmingham City University
Annette Naudin Birmingham City University
Sean Sobers University of the West of England
Eduardo Vincente University of Sao Paolo
Tony Whyton Birmingham City University
The Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research’s ‘New Directions’ book series aims to advance research and teaching in the broad range of media and cultural studies and to serve as the focal point for a community of scholars who are committed to critical inquiry and collaborative practice. Books in the series engage with developments in the field showing how new theoretical approaches have impacted on research within both media and cultural studies and other related disciplines. Each volume will focus on a specific theme or issue as well as exploring broader processes of social and cultural transformation. The series is committed to producing distinctive titles that challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries and question existing paradigms including innovative scholarship in areas such as the creative industries; media history heritage and archives; games studies; gender and sexuality; screen cultures; jazz and popular music studies; media and conflict; songwriting studies; and critical theory. The editors are also keen to encourage authors to experiment with non-standard approaches to academic writing.
For more information about the series or to submit a proposal please contact the series editor:
Nicholas Gebhardt: [email protected]
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Editorial Board
Joanna Garde-Hansen University of Warwick
Paul Long Monash University
John Mercer Birmingham City University
Karen Patel Birmingham City University
Annette Naudin Birmingham City University
Sean Sobers University of the West of England
Eduardo Vincente University of Sao Paolo
Tony Whyton Birmingham City University
Changing Media, Changing Europe
ISSN: 1742-9439
E-ISSN: 2043-7803
Book Series
Series Editors: Peter Golding and Ib Bondebjerg
Changing Media Changing Europe is a book series of new essays bringing together original analyses of the changing landscape of the media in Europe. The books arise from a unique five year European Science Foundation programme ‘Changing Media Changing Europe’ – in which leading scholars from across the continent met to work together to produce innovative discussion and analysis of the interaction of rapid changes in the culture and politics of the mass media with complex shifts in social and economic dynamics within and across cultures. Drawing on insights and research in a range of disciplines some of Europe’s leading scholars contribute new articles arising from their involvement in the ESF Programme.
Changing Media Changing Europe is a book series of new essays bringing together original analyses of the changing landscape of the media in Europe. The books arise from a unique five year European Science Foundation programme ‘Changing Media Changing Europe’ – in which leading scholars from across the continent met to work together to produce innovative discussion and analysis of the interaction of rapid changes in the culture and politics of the mass media with complex shifts in social and economic dynamics within and across cultures. Drawing on insights and research in a range of disciplines some of Europe’s leading scholars contribute new articles arising from their involvement in the ESF Programme.
Contemporary Music Making and Learning
ISSN: 2752-9797
E-ISSN: 2752-9800
Book Series
Series editors: Gareth Dylan Smith and Bryan Powell
Contemporary Music Making and Learning focuses on current approaches to music making and learning with particular emphasis on the perspectives practices purposes and places of the people involved. This book series aims to shed light on established and emerging contemporary practices in music creation and music education and we anticipate that books in the series will come from a wide range of authors and editors representing and discussing a breadth and depth of traditions converging in and around contemporary music education praxis.
The series editors are Gareth Dylan Smith and Bryan Powell who edit Intellect’s Journal of Popular Music Education. For this series they invite proposals for monographs and edited collections – of a variety of lengths – that emphasize or combine practical theoretical philosophical empirical and interdisciplinary approaches to music making and learning. The book series aims to draw authors editors and audiences from among the music education profession throughout the anglophone world as well as from related fields including popular music studies ethnomusicology sociology of music community music musical theatre and music therapy. While this a scholarly book series submissions are especially encouraged from authorial and editorial teams that include musicians teachers and music leaders with real-world experience and understanding who may not ordinarily write for an academic audience.
Contributions to the Contemporary Music Making and Learning book series should be:
Gareth Dylan Smith ([email protected]) and Bryan Powell ([email protected]).
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Contemporary Music Making and Learning focuses on current approaches to music making and learning with particular emphasis on the perspectives practices purposes and places of the people involved. This book series aims to shed light on established and emerging contemporary practices in music creation and music education and we anticipate that books in the series will come from a wide range of authors and editors representing and discussing a breadth and depth of traditions converging in and around contemporary music education praxis.
The series editors are Gareth Dylan Smith and Bryan Powell who edit Intellect’s Journal of Popular Music Education. For this series they invite proposals for monographs and edited collections – of a variety of lengths – that emphasize or combine practical theoretical philosophical empirical and interdisciplinary approaches to music making and learning. The book series aims to draw authors editors and audiences from among the music education profession throughout the anglophone world as well as from related fields including popular music studies ethnomusicology sociology of music community music musical theatre and music therapy. While this a scholarly book series submissions are especially encouraged from authorial and editorial teams that include musicians teachers and music leaders with real-world experience and understanding who may not ordinarily write for an academic audience.
Contributions to the Contemporary Music Making and Learning book series should be:
- Relevant to others who make teach study or consume music;
- Clearly and deeply situated and contextualized in current scholarly debate in music studies (e.g.. music education ethnomusicology music technology);
- Readable including clarity of organization and prose that is engaging and compelling;
- Clear in terms of an arc and thesis or (in the case of edited books) a coherently organized set of ideas throughout the book;
- Timely: books in this series should engage with pressing contemporary issues and topics;
- Respectfully challenging or provocative to prevailing professional norms.
- Radical cutting edge particularly in terms of scholarly approach or methods;
- Intensely personal;
- Interdisciplinary;
- Cross-cultural;
- Deeply critical.
Gareth Dylan Smith ([email protected]) and Bryan Powell ([email protected]).
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Crime Uncovered
ISSN: 2056-9629
E-ISSN: 2056-9637
Book Series
Series Editor: Tim Mitchell
Crime fiction in the various forms of literature film television and even video games is one of the most pervasive of all ‘genres’ with an ever-expanding international popularity. Intellect’s latest book series is intended as a means of exploring this genre in an intelligent critical and accessible manner. The series will focus its gaze on the ‘character type’ in crime fiction and across a number of volumes it aims to unveil and illuminate the various manifestations of character from the police detective to the amateur sleuth the charismatic anti-hero to the private eye and beyond. Each title will be devoted to a particular character type such as ‘The Detective’ or ‘The Anti-Hero’ and contain protagonist case studies interviews with crime writers and explicatory chapters on the wider background and perception of these fascinating – and much loved – characters in crime.
Readers will gain a deeper insight into the workings of character and how integral this has been to both the success and longevity of the genre. Individual case studies will demonstrate how aspects of location methodology relationships adaptation social context and morality differentiate each individual protagonist enough to make them interesting whilst other chapters will help us come to an understanding of what it is that makes them part of a recognizable and distinctive ‘type’.
The Crime Uncovered series uses academic method but in an accessible reader-friendly fashion so that the book will appeal to the intelligent reader of crime fiction and student as well as the scholar.
Crime fiction in the various forms of literature film television and even video games is one of the most pervasive of all ‘genres’ with an ever-expanding international popularity. Intellect’s latest book series is intended as a means of exploring this genre in an intelligent critical and accessible manner. The series will focus its gaze on the ‘character type’ in crime fiction and across a number of volumes it aims to unveil and illuminate the various manifestations of character from the police detective to the amateur sleuth the charismatic anti-hero to the private eye and beyond. Each title will be devoted to a particular character type such as ‘The Detective’ or ‘The Anti-Hero’ and contain protagonist case studies interviews with crime writers and explicatory chapters on the wider background and perception of these fascinating – and much loved – characters in crime.
Readers will gain a deeper insight into the workings of character and how integral this has been to both the success and longevity of the genre. Individual case studies will demonstrate how aspects of location methodology relationships adaptation social context and morality differentiate each individual protagonist enough to make them interesting whilst other chapters will help us come to an understanding of what it is that makes them part of a recognizable and distinctive ‘type’.
The Crime Uncovered series uses academic method but in an accessible reader-friendly fashion so that the book will appeal to the intelligent reader of crime fiction and student as well as the scholar.
Critical Guides to Contemporary Composers
ISSN: 2043-9288
E-ISSN: 2043-9296
Book Series
Series Editor: Martin Iddon
Intellect’s Critical Guides to Contemporary Composers are accessible but rigorous introductions to key figures in the world of contemporary music. Neither simply biographies nor exclusively analytical discussions the focus is on critical issues highlighted by historical and biographical context and the musical content of the work. Particularly the series seeks to engage with composers whose place within contemporary musical cultures is prominent and secure but who have been overlooked within the Anglo-American sphere. Designed for scholars and students alike this series presents insights into vital figures in contemporary music previously unavailable within English-language musicology.
Intellect’s Critical Guides to Contemporary Composers are accessible but rigorous introductions to key figures in the world of contemporary music. Neither simply biographies nor exclusively analytical discussions the focus is on critical issues highlighted by historical and biographical context and the musical content of the work. Particularly the series seeks to engage with composers whose place within contemporary musical cultures is prominent and secure but who have been overlooked within the Anglo-American sphere. Designed for scholars and students alike this series presents insights into vital figures in contemporary music previously unavailable within English-language musicology.
Critical Photography
ISSN: 2041-8345
E-ISSN: 2042-809X
Book Series
Series Editor: Alfredo Cramerotti
To send a proposal for a volume in the series please contact [email protected].
Since 1986 Intellect has provided a vital space for widening critical debate in new and emerging subjects. As a leading academic publisher in the fields of creative practice and popular culture Intellect has a strong list of visual culture and contemporary art focussed publications. We aim to offer a platform for photographers writers and creative artists to present and critically reflect on their work and to produce original adventurous projects.
Critical Photography seeks to encourage visual and textual reflection on/with contemporary photography; to marry photographic work and critical texts representing a balance between the two forms. The series is at the forefront in expanding the notion of critical debate: each book investigates a theoretical issue via two systems of representation placing them at equal level. Neither text that 'explains' pictures nor photography that 'illustrates' text the series addresses aspects of our being and becoming in a thought-provoking and aesthetically stunning form and content.
To send a proposal for a volume in the series please contact [email protected].
Since 1986 Intellect has provided a vital space for widening critical debate in new and emerging subjects. As a leading academic publisher in the fields of creative practice and popular culture Intellect has a strong list of visual culture and contemporary art focussed publications. We aim to offer a platform for photographers writers and creative artists to present and critically reflect on their work and to produce original adventurous projects.
Critical Photography seeks to encourage visual and textual reflection on/with contemporary photography; to marry photographic work and critical texts representing a balance between the two forms. The series is at the forefront in expanding the notion of critical debate: each book investigates a theoretical issue via two systems of representation placing them at equal level. Neither text that 'explains' pictures nor photography that 'illustrates' text the series addresses aspects of our being and becoming in a thought-provoking and aesthetically stunning form and content.
Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East
ISSN: 2059-3562
E-ISSN: 2059-3570
Book Series
Series Editors: Mohammad Gharipour and Christiane Gruber
Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East is devoted to the most recent scholarship concerning historic and contemporary architecture landscape and urban design of the Middle East and of regions shaped by diasporic communities more globally. We invite interdisciplinary studies from diverse perspectives that address the visual characteristics of the built environment ranging from art and architectural case studies to urban analysis. The series illustrates a range of approaches to the commission design construction use and reception of artistic projects buildings landscapes cities and social environments throughout the Islamic world; concurrently it illuminates the region’s diverse architectural cultures and expressive traditions. The series intends to present the history theory practice and critical analyses of historical and contemporary art architecture landscape and urban design as well as the interpretation and conservation of existing cultural heritage in the Islamic world and beyond. It includes surveys monographs and edited volumes.
Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East is devoted to the most recent scholarship concerning historic and contemporary architecture landscape and urban design of the Middle East and of regions shaped by diasporic communities more globally. We invite interdisciplinary studies from diverse perspectives that address the visual characteristics of the built environment ranging from art and architectural case studies to urban analysis. The series illustrates a range of approaches to the commission design construction use and reception of artistic projects buildings landscapes cities and social environments throughout the Islamic world; concurrently it illuminates the region’s diverse architectural cultures and expressive traditions. The series intends to present the history theory practice and critical analyses of historical and contemporary art architecture landscape and urban design as well as the interpretation and conservation of existing cultural heritage in the Islamic world and beyond. It includes surveys monographs and edited volumes.
Cultural Studies Toward Transformative Curriculum and Pedagogy
ISSN: 2049-4025
Book Series
Series Editor: Bill Reynolds (altenative email: [email protected])
In our fast-changing modern world popular culture plays a central critical role in the education of youth and in the development of youthful identity. The ubiquity of television music films gaming and Internet access have together transformed both the nature and pace of personal growth and maturation.
This series will offer scholars a new context for examining the role of popular culture in education. The series will focus on titles that explore the relationships among cultural studies curriculum studies and critical/transformational pedagogy. Situating issues of identity popular culture and education within a broader social framework will open up new scholarly debates and allow for greater exploration of curriculum understandings and pedagogical practice.
In our fast-changing modern world popular culture plays a central critical role in the education of youth and in the development of youthful identity. The ubiquity of television music films gaming and Internet access have together transformed both the nature and pace of personal growth and maturation.
This series will offer scholars a new context for examining the role of popular culture in education. The series will focus on titles that explore the relationships among cultural studies curriculum studies and critical/transformational pedagogy. Situating issues of identity popular culture and education within a broader social framework will open up new scholarly debates and allow for greater exploration of curriculum understandings and pedagogical practice.
Cultural Studies of Natures, Landscapes and Environments
ISSN: 2043-7757
E-ISSN: 2043-7765
Book Series
Founding Editors: Rod Giblett Deakin University Emily Potter Deakin University Warwick Mules University of Queensland
Developing a better relationship between humans and the earth people and place culture and nature is vital for trying to achieve environmental sustainability in the age of climate change. This new series considers each of these terms and the political economic semiotic philosophical and psychological dimensions of our relationship with the earth. Firmly placed in the tradition of cultural studies of nature and landscape begun by Raymond Williams and continued by Alexander Wilson and others it will publish interdisciplinary work that draws on established approaches within Cultural Studies and develops new ones. It will make a unique and vital contribution not only to academic enquiry but also to new ways of thinking being and living with the earth. The series will be of interest to a wide range of theorists and practitioners who are seeking directions out of and solutions to our environmental and cultural malaise.
Developing a better relationship between humans and the earth people and place culture and nature is vital for trying to achieve environmental sustainability in the age of climate change. This new series considers each of these terms and the political economic semiotic philosophical and psychological dimensions of our relationship with the earth. Firmly placed in the tradition of cultural studies of nature and landscape begun by Raymond Williams and continued by Alexander Wilson and others it will publish interdisciplinary work that draws on established approaches within Cultural Studies and develops new ones. It will make a unique and vital contribution not only to academic enquiry but also to new ways of thinking being and living with the earth. The series will be of interest to a wide range of theorists and practitioners who are seeking directions out of and solutions to our environmental and cultural malaise.
Culture, Disease, and Well-Being: The Grey Zone of Health and Illness
ISSN: 2042-177X
E-ISSN: 2042-1788
Book Series
Series Editor: Alan Blum
The series Culture Disease and Well-Being: The Grey Zone of Health and Illness represents the work of a multidisciplinary project in Medical Humanities funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and based in downtown Toronto at the Culture of Cities Centre which is supported by the Faculty of Arts University of Waterloo. The Grey Zone project develops a framework for studying health and illness by isolating a range of case studies in which the tension between medicine's promise and its particular interpretations and incorporations become visible and dramatic under conditions of modern life. The idea of the Grey Zone identifies the ways in which indeterminacy uncertainty and ambiguity inhabit our interpretations and actions even when they are most resolute and appear most unassailable. The Grey Zone does not make reference to conspiracy or domination but to the natural working of language as a living social relationship between words and deeds where we must invariably speak and act under "imperfect" conditions. Though this zone of ambiguity might often appear terrifying in health care because of the import and urgency of problems involved it operates whenever we strive to make sense of our situations. Works in the Grey Zone series use resources from classical theorizing the humanities and social sciences that bear upon the interdisciplinary study of interpretive instabilities their grounds and effects in relation to the negotiation of problems of health illness and disease in everyday life. Forthcoming publications in the series include a monograph by Alan Blum The Grey Zone of Health and Illness and two collections of essays Spectacular Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mortality and (Un)representability edited by Tristanne Connolly and Of Indeterminate Birth: Studies in the Culture of Origins Fertility and Creation edited by Elke Grenzer and Jan Plecash.
The series Culture Disease and Well-Being: The Grey Zone of Health and Illness represents the work of a multidisciplinary project in Medical Humanities funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and based in downtown Toronto at the Culture of Cities Centre which is supported by the Faculty of Arts University of Waterloo. The Grey Zone project develops a framework for studying health and illness by isolating a range of case studies in which the tension between medicine's promise and its particular interpretations and incorporations become visible and dramatic under conditions of modern life. The idea of the Grey Zone identifies the ways in which indeterminacy uncertainty and ambiguity inhabit our interpretations and actions even when they are most resolute and appear most unassailable. The Grey Zone does not make reference to conspiracy or domination but to the natural working of language as a living social relationship between words and deeds where we must invariably speak and act under "imperfect" conditions. Though this zone of ambiguity might often appear terrifying in health care because of the import and urgency of problems involved it operates whenever we strive to make sense of our situations. Works in the Grey Zone series use resources from classical theorizing the humanities and social sciences that bear upon the interdisciplinary study of interpretive instabilities their grounds and effects in relation to the negotiation of problems of health illness and disease in everyday life. Forthcoming publications in the series include a monograph by Alan Blum The Grey Zone of Health and Illness and two collections of essays Spectacular Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mortality and (Un)representability edited by Tristanne Connolly and Of Indeterminate Birth: Studies in the Culture of Origins Fertility and Creation edited by Elke Grenzer and Jan Plecash.
Directory of World Cinema
ISSN: 2040-7971
E-ISSN: 2040-798X
Book Series
The Directory of World Cinema aims to play a part in moving intelligent scholarly criticism beyond the academy by building a forum for the study of film that relies on a disciplined theoretical base. Each volume of the Directory takes the form of a collection of reviews longer essays and research resources accompanied by film stills highlighting significant films and players.
The ethos of Intellect's Directory of World Cinema as a project is probably best communicated by John Berra's editorial taken from the Japanese volume where he comments:
'The overall aim was always to discuss Japanese cultural life and history as expressed through the medium of film.'
For further information go to:
The ethos of Intellect's Directory of World Cinema as a project is probably best communicated by John Berra's editorial taken from the Japanese volume where he comments:
'The overall aim was always to discuss Japanese cultural life and history as expressed through the medium of film.'
For further information go to:
European Communication Research and Education Association
ISSN: 1753-0342
E-ISSN: 2043-7846
Book Series
Series Editors: Nico Carpentier and François Heinderyckx
The ECREA series makes a major contribution to the theory research practice and/or policy literature in the field of Communication and Media Studies. The ECREA series is European in scope and represents a diversity of paradigms perspectives and cultures. Each book is edited by one or more acknowledged authorities in the field and the contributors have been selected to provide a broad overview and breadth of understanding of the concerns in question. Book proposals are refereed. Although the ECREA series is clearly embedded in the ECREA membership a degree of openness towards non-ECREA members is considered to add value to the series.
The ECREA series makes a major contribution to the theory research practice and/or policy literature in the field of Communication and Media Studies. The ECREA series is European in scope and represents a diversity of paradigms perspectives and cultures. Each book is edited by one or more acknowledged authorities in the field and the contributors have been selected to provide a broad overview and breadth of understanding of the concerns in question. Book proposals are refereed. Although the ECREA series is clearly embedded in the ECREA membership a degree of openness towards non-ECREA members is considered to add value to the series.
Fan Phenomena
ISSN: 2051-4468
E-ISSN: 2051-4476
Book Series
Series Editor: Tim Mitchell
This series is prompted by a growing appetite for books that tap into the fascination we have with what constitutes an iconic or cultish phenomenon and how a particular person TV show or film character/film infiltrates their way into the public consciousness. We will look at particular examples of ‘fan culture’ and approach the subject in an accessible manner aimed at both fans and those interested in the cultural and social aspects of these fascinating – and often unusual – ‘universes’.
The concept of the book series is to address cult/fan culture within a specified gaze. Topics will range from mythic actors like Marilyn Monroe and James Dean to the long-lasting television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer to film juggernauts like Harry Potter James Bond and Star Wars.
Each of the subjects we choose have massive visual appeal as they deal with fan fashion memorabilia (fan)homages merchandising and branding that help to create the immersive world that extends beyond the phenomenon itself. The books will aim to exploit this visual aspect to align them with other Intellect book series such as World Film Locations and Directory of World Cinema which make good use of relevant collected imagery.
The series aims to ‘decode’ cult subjects in terms of the appeal and far reaching connections each of them have in becoming part of popular culture. We are fully aware that these are not meant to be comprehensive weighty tomes on the subject – rather a series of ‘handy’ books that each include a fascinating collection of essays which explore a particular area or aspect of the subject’s ‘universe’ in each chapter.
This series is prompted by a growing appetite for books that tap into the fascination we have with what constitutes an iconic or cultish phenomenon and how a particular person TV show or film character/film infiltrates their way into the public consciousness. We will look at particular examples of ‘fan culture’ and approach the subject in an accessible manner aimed at both fans and those interested in the cultural and social aspects of these fascinating – and often unusual – ‘universes’.
The concept of the book series is to address cult/fan culture within a specified gaze. Topics will range from mythic actors like Marilyn Monroe and James Dean to the long-lasting television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer to film juggernauts like Harry Potter James Bond and Star Wars.
Each of the subjects we choose have massive visual appeal as they deal with fan fashion memorabilia (fan)homages merchandising and branding that help to create the immersive world that extends beyond the phenomenon itself. The books will aim to exploit this visual aspect to align them with other Intellect book series such as World Film Locations and Directory of World Cinema which make good use of relevant collected imagery.
The series aims to ‘decode’ cult subjects in terms of the appeal and far reaching connections each of them have in becoming part of popular culture. We are fully aware that these are not meant to be comprehensive weighty tomes on the subject – rather a series of ‘handy’ books that each include a fascinating collection of essays which explore a particular area or aspect of the subject’s ‘universe’ in each chapter.
Global Health Humanities
ISSN: 2752-8545
E-ISSN: 2752-8553
Book Series
Series Editors: Susan Hogan and Anna Greenwood
Global Health Humanities is a new book series from Intellect that will look at the global health humanities from a number of perspectives incorporating:
A wide range of critical studies interrogating the epistemology of knowledge production will be considered. Forms of health knowledge production will be questioned. This is a series that will be attentive to the mutually constitutive nature of gender sexual identity cultural identity disability age and other categories of difference that shape social practices and individual lives. This sensitivity to cultural perspectives will form a critical and distinctive lens for the series. Topics of interest will include but not be restricted to global health inequalities and the health humanities; critical reflections on global health humanities; conceptualisations of health; global health in health humanities scholarship; global maternal health; critical analysis of representations of health and illness across cultures; gender inequality; gender issues in the arts and health.
The series will have multiple formats: traditional scholarly monographs edited collections and shorter format volumes. It is anticipated that the shorter format will provide an easily accessible medium as a ‘way in’ for readers to learn about new aspects of health humanities. The shorter format books will comprise accessibly written but still scholarly and referenced introductions or case studies. Authors will include established scholars in the field emerging early-career scholars and practitioners.
Whilst health is a universal issue it is experienced differently by those with different genders and sexual orientations. The way women men intersex non-binary and transgender people relate via the arts and humanities to their health remains under-researched. This is a striking omission in today’s world increasingly attuned to multiple modes of gender identification as well as the ever-changing roles of women and men.
The series is targeted to appeal to health humanities scholars clinicians and carers and arts and humanities practitioners as well as the learned general public.
Brief expressions of interest can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]
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Editorial Board
Victoria Bates University of Bristol
Brian Brown De Montfort University
Paul Crawford University of Nottingham
Paul Elliot University of Derby
Sander L. Gilman Emory University
Jessica Howell Texas A & M University (TAMU)
Janelle Jones Queen Mary University of London
Therese Jones University of Colorado Denver
Michael Koon Boon Tan Sheffield Hallam University
George Rousseau King's College Aberdeen
Global Health Humanities is a new book series from Intellect that will look at the global health humanities from a number of perspectives incorporating:
- medical humanities
- health humanities (broadly defined)
- history of medicine
- arts and health
A wide range of critical studies interrogating the epistemology of knowledge production will be considered. Forms of health knowledge production will be questioned. This is a series that will be attentive to the mutually constitutive nature of gender sexual identity cultural identity disability age and other categories of difference that shape social practices and individual lives. This sensitivity to cultural perspectives will form a critical and distinctive lens for the series. Topics of interest will include but not be restricted to global health inequalities and the health humanities; critical reflections on global health humanities; conceptualisations of health; global health in health humanities scholarship; global maternal health; critical analysis of representations of health and illness across cultures; gender inequality; gender issues in the arts and health.
The series will have multiple formats: traditional scholarly monographs edited collections and shorter format volumes. It is anticipated that the shorter format will provide an easily accessible medium as a ‘way in’ for readers to learn about new aspects of health humanities. The shorter format books will comprise accessibly written but still scholarly and referenced introductions or case studies. Authors will include established scholars in the field emerging early-career scholars and practitioners.
Whilst health is a universal issue it is experienced differently by those with different genders and sexual orientations. The way women men intersex non-binary and transgender people relate via the arts and humanities to their health remains under-researched. This is a striking omission in today’s world increasingly attuned to multiple modes of gender identification as well as the ever-changing roles of women and men.
The series is targeted to appeal to health humanities scholars clinicians and carers and arts and humanities practitioners as well as the learned general public.
Brief expressions of interest can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]
Download CFP
Editorial Board
Victoria Bates University of Bristol
Brian Brown De Montfort University
Paul Crawford University of Nottingham
Paul Elliot University of Derby
Sander L. Gilman Emory University
Jessica Howell Texas A & M University (TAMU)
Janelle Jones Queen Mary University of London
Therese Jones University of Colorado Denver
Michael Koon Boon Tan Sheffield Hallam University
George Rousseau King's College Aberdeen
Global Punk
ISSN: 2632-8305
E-ISSN: 2632-8313
Book Series
Series editors: Russ Bestley and Mike Dines
Produced in collaboration with the Punk Scholars Network the Global Punk book series focuses on the historical development and contemporary presence of punk around the world reflecting upon origins aesthetics identity legacy membership and circulation. Critical approaches draw upon the interdisciplinary areas of (among others) cultural studies art and design sociology musicology and social sciences in order to develop a broad and inclusive picture of punk and punk-inspired subcultural developments around the globe. The Global Punk series therefore adopts an essentially analytical perspective raising questions about the dissemination of punk scenes and subcultures and their form structure and contemporary cultural significance in the daily lives of an increasing number of people around the world.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
Editorial Board
Edward Avery-Natale Mercer County Community College
Ellen Bernhard Georgian Court University
Minerva Campion Canelas Javeriana University
Pete Dale University of York
Matt Grimes Birmingham City University
Daniel Makagon DePaul University
Michael Mary Murphy Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art
Marie Arleth Skov Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Francis Stewart Bishop Grosseteste University
Laura Way University of Lincoln
Produced in collaboration with the Punk Scholars Network the Global Punk book series focuses on the historical development and contemporary presence of punk around the world reflecting upon origins aesthetics identity legacy membership and circulation. Critical approaches draw upon the interdisciplinary areas of (among others) cultural studies art and design sociology musicology and social sciences in order to develop a broad and inclusive picture of punk and punk-inspired subcultural developments around the globe. The Global Punk series therefore adopts an essentially analytical perspective raising questions about the dissemination of punk scenes and subcultures and their form structure and contemporary cultural significance in the daily lives of an increasing number of people around the world.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
- Global impact and inclusion
- Punk history/histories
- Etymology and language
- Genre definition and development
- Antecedents and influences
- Practices of production distribution and consumption/reception
- Art and design strategies
- Fashion aesthetics and style
- Musicology
- Politics community gender sexuality class and race issues
- Transgression and subcultural opposition
- Associated cultural industries
- Concepts of independence and DIY cultures
- Debates around authenticity
- Archival practices
- Film studies
Editorial Board
Edward Avery-Natale Mercer County Community College
Ellen Bernhard Georgian Court University
Minerva Campion Canelas Javeriana University
Pete Dale University of York
Matt Grimes Birmingham City University
Daniel Makagon DePaul University
Michael Mary Murphy Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art
Marie Arleth Skov Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Francis Stewart Bishop Grosseteste University
Laura Way University of Lincoln
Intellect China Library
ISSN: 2059-1985
E-ISSN: 2059-1993
Book Series
Series Editor: Dr Hiu Man Chan Chair: Mark Lewis
The Intellect China Library is a series of new English translations of the latest scholarship in Chinese that have not previously been available. Subjects covered include film studies visual arts performing arts media and the broader creative industries. The series aims to foster intellectual debate and to promote closer cross-cultural knowledge exchange by introducing unique Chinese scholarship and ideas to our readers.
International Advisory Board
Professor Kerry Brown Director Lau China Institute King’s College London
Professor Nick Bryan-Kinns Queen Mary University of London
Professor Juan Cruz Edinburgh College of Art
Professor Anthony Fung the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Grace Lang China Director UK Research and Innovation
Professor Justin O’Connor University of South Australia
Dr Li Pi M Plus Museum Hong Kong
Professor Yueming Rong Director Shanghai Culture Research Centre
Dr Tim Summers the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Hong Zhang Colby College
The Intellect China Library is a series of new English translations of the latest scholarship in Chinese that have not previously been available. Subjects covered include film studies visual arts performing arts media and the broader creative industries. The series aims to foster intellectual debate and to promote closer cross-cultural knowledge exchange by introducing unique Chinese scholarship and ideas to our readers.
International Advisory Board
Professor Kerry Brown Director Lau China Institute King’s College London
Professor Nick Bryan-Kinns Queen Mary University of London
Professor Juan Cruz Edinburgh College of Art
Professor Anthony Fung the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Grace Lang China Director UK Research and Innovation
Professor Justin O’Connor University of South Australia
Dr Li Pi M Plus Museum Hong Kong
Professor Yueming Rong Director Shanghai Culture Research Centre
Dr Tim Summers the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Hong Zhang Colby College
Intellect Live
ISSN: 2052-0913
E-ISSN: 2052-0921
Book Series
Series Editors: Dominic Johnson Lois Keidan and C. J. Mitchell.
Intellect Live is a collaboration between Intellect Books and the Live Art Development Agency. The series is characterized by lavishly illustrated and exquisitely designed books created through close collaborations between artists and writers each of which is the first substantial publication dedicated to an artist's work.
The Live Art Development Agency (LADA) offers Resources Professional Development Initiatives and Projects & Publishing for the support and development of Live Art artists audiences and discourses in the UK and internationally. LADA works strategically in partnership and in consultation with artists and organisations in the cultural sector and is committed to creating the conditions in which diversity experimentation and risk can thrive.
Intellect Live is a collaboration between Intellect Books and the Live Art Development Agency. The series is characterized by lavishly illustrated and exquisitely designed books created through close collaborations between artists and writers each of which is the first substantial publication dedicated to an artist's work.
The Live Art Development Agency (LADA) offers Resources Professional Development Initiatives and Projects & Publishing for the support and development of Live Art artists audiences and discourses in the UK and internationally. LADA works strategically in partnership and in consultation with artists and organisations in the cultural sector and is committed to creating the conditions in which diversity experimentation and risk can thrive.
ISSN: 2059-5069
E-ISSN: 2059-5077
Book Series
The series will aim to provide concise companion guides to the most important and interesting films to emerge from Russian Soviet and post-Soviet cinema from its inception to the present day. While based on solid scholarship the books will be written in a clear and accessible style. Each volume will have a broadly common structure while allowing some flexibility to cater for the particular needs of individual films. Illustrated and at an attractive price the volumes are aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students and an interested and intelligent general readership. Each instalment will contain production details a brief plot synopsis analyses of the films both in terms of content and context and an analysis of how they were received.
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life
ISSN: 2516-3574
E-ISSN: 2516-3582
Book Series
Series editor: Sharon Louden<br/>The Living and Sustaining a Creative Life series of books reveal the realities of today's artists and culture producers. With volumes dedicated to the experience of practitioners across the creative arts these timely publications comprise essays that generously share innovative models of creative lives that have been sustained over many years. Their first-hand stories show the general public how contemporary artists creative individuals and change-makers of the twenty first century add to creative economies through their out-of-the-box thinking while also contributing to the well-being of others. Although there is a misconception that artists are invisible and hidden the truth is that they furnish measurable and innovative outcomes at the front lines of education the non-profit sector and corporate environments. Intended to spark conversations across and beyond the arts each path is an inspiring example that provides exceptional insight.<br/>All of the contributors have been chosen by guest editors within a specific field who are distinctive and generous in their own lives with the aim to inspire new avenues for artists across the creative disciplines to thrive for years to come.
Mediated Cities
ISSN: 2058-9409
Book Series
Series Editor: Dr. Graham Cairns Architecture_Media_Politics_Society (AMPS) Director
Please send all series enquiries and proposals to [email protected].
The Mediated Cities series explores the contemporary city as a hybrid phenomenon of digital technologies new media digital art practices and physical infrastructure. It is an inherently interdisciplinary series around intersecting issues related to the city of today and tomorrow.
As Marshall McLuhan identified in 1964 today’s global village is a place of simultaneous experience; a site for overlapping material and electronic effects; a place not so much altered by the content of a medium but rather a space transformed by the very nature of medias themselves. For some this is little more than the inevitable evolution of urban space in the digital age. For others it represents the city’s liberation from the condition of stasis. For scaremongers it’s a nightmare scenario in which the difference between the virtual and the real the electronic and the material the recorded and the lived becomes impossible to identify.
Please send all series enquiries and proposals to [email protected].
The Mediated Cities series explores the contemporary city as a hybrid phenomenon of digital technologies new media digital art practices and physical infrastructure. It is an inherently interdisciplinary series around intersecting issues related to the city of today and tomorrow.
As Marshall McLuhan identified in 1964 today’s global village is a place of simultaneous experience; a site for overlapping material and electronic effects; a place not so much altered by the content of a medium but rather a space transformed by the very nature of medias themselves. For some this is little more than the inevitable evolution of urban space in the digital age. For others it represents the city’s liberation from the condition of stasis. For scaremongers it’s a nightmare scenario in which the difference between the virtual and the real the electronic and the material the recorded and the lived becomes impossible to identify.
Music, Community and Education
Book Series
Series Editor: Lee Higgins
Music Community and Education is a focused monograph series that provides scholars and researchers with a platform for disseminating conceptually rich and empirically distinguished work that explores questions related to the impact music-making can have on those that participate and the cultural political and economic context through which it happens. To be accepted for publication manuscripts must be judged as providing significant contributions to advancing cutting-edge research promoting a wider discourse and promoting the application of research and scholarship to policies and practices that improve our understanding of music community and education. Monographs are intended to address their topic without being unduly narrow. They should be comprehensible to and engaging for a general readership whilst valuable for scholars with shared research interests. Each book is expected to be written in a single voice even when it involves a collaboration between multiple scholars. Book proposals are welcome in any of the following areas that address questions relating to music-making; inclusivity participation social justice democracy power community and pedagogy.
Music Community and Education is a focused monograph series that provides scholars and researchers with a platform for disseminating conceptually rich and empirically distinguished work that explores questions related to the impact music-making can have on those that participate and the cultural political and economic context through which it happens. To be accepted for publication manuscripts must be judged as providing significant contributions to advancing cutting-edge research promoting a wider discourse and promoting the application of research and scholarship to policies and practices that improve our understanding of music community and education. Monographs are intended to address their topic without being unduly narrow. They should be comprehensible to and engaging for a general readership whilst valuable for scholars with shared research interests. Each book is expected to be written in a single voice even when it involves a collaboration between multiple scholars. Book proposals are welcome in any of the following areas that address questions relating to music-making; inclusivity participation social justice democracy power community and pedagogy.
Performance and Communities
ISSN: 2755-9440
E-ISSN: 2755-9459
Book Series
The Performance and Communities book series celebrates challenges and researches performance in the real world. We are committed to publishing diverse texts that explore various modes of performance using voice body space movement language sound texture shape in work in a variety of spaces and places (from traditional theatres to site specific playgrounds). We look to publish work that responds to social cultural academic and physical communities. The series will consider how contemporary performance can engage build and learn from previous existing evolving and new communities of people – practitioners academics students audiences.
ISSN: 1754-0933
E-ISSN: 1754-0941
Book Series
Series Editor: Patrick Duggan
The Intellect Playtext series publishes biannually innovative performance texts under three interrelated strands: new writing (scripts) performance writings (‘non-traditional’ forms such as choreographic scores devised performance texts performance documentation) and translations (writing that is new to English-speaking audiences). The Playtext series makes available performance texts that are aesthetically and stylistically innovative as well as those that explore the socio-cultural and political contexts of their making. Each volume includes the performance texts alongside contextual essays that examine the processes of development writing and performance as well as critical essays that discuss the texts from political social cultural and theoretical perspectives. Intellect's Playtext are concerned also to present volumes that engage with the wider historical and performance contexts of the work through for example the inclusion of production photographs design sketches historical documents and/or typographical design. The series celebrates critical writing adaptation translation and devising processes and provides a forum for textual performance practices-as-research.
From 2002–2013 the Playtext series was edited by Roberta Mock.
The Intellect Playtext series publishes biannually innovative performance texts under three interrelated strands: new writing (scripts) performance writings (‘non-traditional’ forms such as choreographic scores devised performance texts performance documentation) and translations (writing that is new to English-speaking audiences). The Playtext series makes available performance texts that are aesthetically and stylistically innovative as well as those that explore the socio-cultural and political contexts of their making. Each volume includes the performance texts alongside contextual essays that examine the processes of development writing and performance as well as critical essays that discuss the texts from political social cultural and theoretical perspectives. Intellect's Playtext are concerned also to present volumes that engage with the wider historical and performance contexts of the work through for example the inclusion of production photographs design sketches historical documents and/or typographical design. The series celebrates critical writing adaptation translation and devising processes and provides a forum for textual performance practices-as-research.
From 2002–2013 the Playtext series was edited by Roberta Mock.
Book Series
Collection ISBN: 978-1-78938-135-1 | ePDF ISBN 978-1-78938-136-8
Just as the term design has been going through change growth and expansion of meaning and interpretation in practice and education – the same can be said for design research. The traditional boundaries of design are dissolving and connections are being established with other fields at an exponential rate. Based on the proceedings from the IASDR 2017 Conference Re:Research is an edited collection that showcases a curated selection of 83 papers – just over half of the works presented at the conference. With topics ranging from the introduction of design in the primary education sector to designing information for Artificial Intelligence systems this book collection demonstrates the diverse perspectives of design and design research. Divided into seven thematic volumes this collection maps out where the field of design research is now.
The Re:Research collection includes:
Volume 1: Teaching and Learning Design
Volume 2: Philosophical Frameworks and Design Processes
Volume 3: Design and the Creation of Social Value
Volume 4: Design and Living Well
Volume 5: Design Discourse on Culture and Society
Volume 6: Design Discourse on Business and Industry
Volume 7: Design and Digital Interaction
Download the PDF of all the contents pages
To purchase the full collection either in hardback or ebook version please contact Jelena Stanovnik ([email protected]).
Just as the term design has been going through change growth and expansion of meaning and interpretation in practice and education – the same can be said for design research. The traditional boundaries of design are dissolving and connections are being established with other fields at an exponential rate. Based on the proceedings from the IASDR 2017 Conference Re:Research is an edited collection that showcases a curated selection of 83 papers – just over half of the works presented at the conference. With topics ranging from the introduction of design in the primary education sector to designing information for Artificial Intelligence systems this book collection demonstrates the diverse perspectives of design and design research. Divided into seven thematic volumes this collection maps out where the field of design research is now.
The Re:Research collection includes:
Volume 1: Teaching and Learning Design
Volume 2: Philosophical Frameworks and Design Processes
Volume 3: Design and the Creation of Social Value
Volume 4: Design and Living Well
Volume 5: Design Discourse on Culture and Society
Volume 6: Design Discourse on Business and Industry
Volume 7: Design and Digital Interaction
Download the PDF of all the contents pages
To purchase the full collection either in hardback or ebook version please contact Jelena Stanovnik ([email protected]).
Readings in Art and Design Education
ISSN: 1747-6208
E-ISSN: 1747-6216
Book Series
Series Editor: John Steers
Readings in Art & Design Education is a series of anthologies addressing key issues in art and design education. Each book is edited by an acknowledged authority in the field and the contributors have been selected to provide a broad overview and breadth of understanding of the concerns in question. The series is invaluable reading for all students of art and design education whether studying for the PGCE or for studies at masters level. Classroom teachers will also find these books a stimulating read.
Readings in Art & Design Education is a series of anthologies addressing key issues in art and design education. Each book is edited by an acknowledged authority in the field and the contributors have been selected to provide a broad overview and breadth of understanding of the concerns in question. The series is invaluable reading for all students of art and design education whether studying for the PGCE or for studies at masters level. Classroom teachers will also find these books a stimulating read.
Street Style
ISSN: 2047-0568
E-ISSN: 2047-0576
Book Series
In a rapidly changing global fashion system new centres such as Shanghai are joining other cities such as Dubai Moscow and Mumbai as global fashion capitals. Street Style is a series that explores and reveals the relationship between culture the city and the street fashion. Books in the series use a predominantly visual approach (visual ethnography) paired with critical analysis and are inspired by street fashion blogs magazines and other fashion incubators such as internet sites.
Each volume is a collaboration between a street style photographer and an author focusing on a particular city and the relationship between street style and the culture of that city. Style is predominantly an individual matter – the way people put themselves together creates a sense of individual identity but collectively there is a sense of common culture in a community a city or a country.
The books will address points such as:
Head: Head cover hair styles makeup trends etc.
Body: Clothing includes shirts skirts pants jackets rainwear coats etc.
Accessories: Handbags shoes gloves scarves belts jewellery
To explore the series in more detail log on to
Each volume is a collaboration between a street style photographer and an author focusing on a particular city and the relationship between street style and the culture of that city. Style is predominantly an individual matter – the way people put themselves together creates a sense of individual identity but collectively there is a sense of common culture in a community a city or a country.
The books will address points such as:
- Each city has a unique energy a different look. How is this defined?
- What does street style tell you about a city and its culture?
- How does street style reflect cultural and social currents – what’s going on in music art and on the sidewalks of communities?
Head: Head cover hair styles makeup trends etc.
Body: Clothing includes shirts skirts pants jackets rainwear coats etc.
Accessories: Handbags shoes gloves scarves belts jewellery
To explore the series in more detail log on to
Studies in Game Sound and Music
ISSN: 2633-0652
E-ISSN: 2633-0660
Book Series
Series editors: Tim Summers Michiel Kamp Melanie Fritsch and Andra Ivănescu
Intellect’s Studies in Game Sound and Music will publish accessible detailed books that provide in-depth academic of topics and texts in video game audio. The books will present detailed analysis historical investigation and treatment of conceptual and theoretical issues related to game audio.
The editors welcome proposals for monographs and collections of essays. The series aims to:
The series will not seal game audio into a scholarly suburb but will instead be outward looking: it seeks to engage game audio practitioners and researchers from a range of disciplines including anthropology performance studies computer science media studies psychology sociology sound studies as well as musicology. Recently contracted titles include a companion to music in The Legend of Zelda a collection on nostalgia and video game music and a collection on the work of Nobuo Uematsu.
To propose a manuscript or for more information please contact the series editors at [email protected].
Intellect’s Studies in Game Sound and Music will publish accessible detailed books that provide in-depth academic of topics and texts in video game audio. The books will present detailed analysis historical investigation and treatment of conceptual and theoretical issues related to game audio.
The editors welcome proposals for monographs and collections of essays. The series aims to:
- reveal important information about major media texts
- investigate game music in a degree of depth and detail hitherto unseen
- address major critical issues in game music studies
- deploy and evolve approaches of antecedent scholarship and
- develop new ways examining this media music.
The series will not seal game audio into a scholarly suburb but will instead be outward looking: it seeks to engage game audio practitioners and researchers from a range of disciplines including anthropology performance studies computer science media studies psychology sociology sound studies as well as musicology. Recently contracted titles include a companion to music in The Legend of Zelda a collection on nostalgia and video game music and a collection on the work of Nobuo Uematsu.
To propose a manuscript or for more information please contact the series editors at [email protected].
Studies on Popular Culture
ISSN: 2041-6725
E-ISSN: 2042-8227
Book Series
Series Editors: Kari Kallioniemi and Bruce Johnson
The series Studies on Popular Culture provides contributions to a critical understanding of popular culture and its history. The series covers a wide array of themes including such fields as popular music radio film and television festivals and urban cultures youth cultures and subcultures consumption and material culture sports stardom and fandom.
The series is open to methodologies and theoretical insights especially on comparative and international approaches and it places special emphasis on the transdisciplinary nature of popular culture studies. The series is edited at the International Institute for Popular Culture (Turku Finland) by Kari Kallioniemi and Bruce Johnson.
The series Studies on Popular Culture provides contributions to a critical understanding of popular culture and its history. The series covers a wide array of themes including such fields as popular music radio film and television festivals and urban cultures youth cultures and subcultures consumption and material culture sports stardom and fandom.
The series is open to methodologies and theoretical insights especially on comparative and international approaches and it places special emphasis on the transdisciplinary nature of popular culture studies. The series is edited at the International Institute for Popular Culture (Turku Finland) by Kari Kallioniemi and Bruce Johnson.
Theatre in Education
ISSN: 2049-3878
Book Series
A series of handbooks and textbooks written by teachers for teachers.<br/>Encouraging theatre teachers to experiment with form shape and content each book in this exciting new series includes practical classroom exercises and lesson plans. The series advocates socially responsible theatre-teaching and student-centred learning. It also aims to empower students to see themselves as responsible agents.
Trajectories of Italian Cinema and Media
ISSN: 2632-4873
E-ISSN: 2632-4881
Book Series
Series editor: Flavia Laviosa
The book series Trajectories of Italian Cinema and Media intends to engage with diverse academic communities build new conceptual frameworks and foster a globally-focused and representative corpus of scholarship in Italian cinema and media studies. With the aim of exploring new critical and historical trajectories this book series will trace the evidence of Italian cinema’s international polysemy and polycentrism define the extent of its inspirational force examine other cinemas’ artistic innovations resulting from their osmosis with the Italian film tradition and foster comparative analyses of themes and genres between Italian and other world cinemas.
If you wish to propose a manuscript to be included in the series please contact the series editor Flavia Laviosa ([email protected])
The book series Trajectories of Italian Cinema and Media intends to engage with diverse academic communities build new conceptual frameworks and foster a globally-focused and representative corpus of scholarship in Italian cinema and media studies. With the aim of exploring new critical and historical trajectories this book series will trace the evidence of Italian cinema’s international polysemy and polycentrism define the extent of its inspirational force examine other cinemas’ artistic innovations resulting from their osmosis with the Italian film tradition and foster comparative analyses of themes and genres between Italian and other world cinemas.
If you wish to propose a manuscript to be included in the series please contact the series editor Flavia Laviosa ([email protected])
Unmade Film and Television
ISSN: 2752-4469
E-ISSN: 2752-4477
Book Series
Unmade Film and Television is a new book series that explores unmade unseen and unreleased film and television from across the globe and from all time periods.
The study of unmade film and television remains neglected and fragmented within scholarly discourse. As such this series invites contributions (edited collections monographs etc) on all aspects of unmade unseen and unreleased film and television from across film and media history. The key aim of the series will be to offer explanations as to why so many projects are left unmade or unreleased with a focus on the social political cultural industrial and economic contexts both at a regional and international level. It is hoped such an approach will allow for insights into the logic of creative failure within the film and television industries.
Ideas may range from individual case studies of directors producers writers genres studios and production companies to wholescale studies of national industries. It may be that the focus is on structural issues (women filmmakers censorship etc.) or on concepts of the unmade such as creative failure archival methods or creative practice. Contributions are also welcomed on the way audiences and fans interact with the unmade and unreleased from the social media ‘afterlife’ of unmade films through to innovative practices of bringing to life unmade projects for new audiences and in the process reimaging cinema history.
If you have a potential project please contact the series editor James Fenwick ([email protected]) in the first instance providing details of proposed author/s a short biography book title and short synopsis.
Editorial Board
Kieran Foster (De Montfort University UK)
Matthew Melia (Kingston University UK)
Peter Kunze (Eckerd College USA)
Alexandra Heller-Nicholas (Deakin University Australia)
Alison Peirse (University of Leeds UK)
Alix Beeston (Cardiff University)
Stefan Solomon (Macquarie University Australia)
The study of unmade film and television remains neglected and fragmented within scholarly discourse. As such this series invites contributions (edited collections monographs etc) on all aspects of unmade unseen and unreleased film and television from across film and media history. The key aim of the series will be to offer explanations as to why so many projects are left unmade or unreleased with a focus on the social political cultural industrial and economic contexts both at a regional and international level. It is hoped such an approach will allow for insights into the logic of creative failure within the film and television industries.
Ideas may range from individual case studies of directors producers writers genres studios and production companies to wholescale studies of national industries. It may be that the focus is on structural issues (women filmmakers censorship etc.) or on concepts of the unmade such as creative failure archival methods or creative practice. Contributions are also welcomed on the way audiences and fans interact with the unmade and unreleased from the social media ‘afterlife’ of unmade films through to innovative practices of bringing to life unmade projects for new audiences and in the process reimaging cinema history.
If you have a potential project please contact the series editor James Fenwick ([email protected]) in the first instance providing details of proposed author/s a short biography book title and short synopsis.
Editorial Board
Kieran Foster (De Montfort University UK)
Matthew Melia (Kingston University UK)
Peter Kunze (Eckerd College USA)
Alexandra Heller-Nicholas (Deakin University Australia)
Alison Peirse (University of Leeds UK)
Alix Beeston (Cardiff University)
Stefan Solomon (Macquarie University Australia)
Urban Chic
ISSN: 2053-7077
E-ISSN: 2053-7085
Book Series
Series Editor: Susan Ingram York University Toronto Canada<br/>The Urban Chic series is premised on the fact that a new wave of urban change is afoot. It is a series of ‘locational histories of cities’ fashion’ that use unique spaces of specific cities to show the interplay between fashion in its art historical understanding as clothing or dress on one hand and fashion more broadly conceived as social change on the other. Each volume seeks to establish how a city’s urban imaginary has evolved in dialogue with the fashion system and how cultural institutions involving dress design and particular looks and styles have informed those imaginaries.
Urban Music Studies
ISSN: 2752-4442
E-ISSN: 2752-4450
Book Series
Urban Music Studies aims at an inter- and trans-disciplinary exchange between researchers working on the relationship between the music and the city. The series covers a broad range of topics and musical practices current as well as historical. With its cross cultural point of departure and the focus on countries and geographical regions which are normally excluded from the scientific discourse (such as Global South) this series will bring fresh perspectives on the role of music in the accelerated urbanisation processes.
We welcome proposals for monographs readers and edited collections.
The theoretical model of Urban Music Studies is based on the assumptions that
Editorial board
Andy Bennett Griffith University Brisbane
Giacomo Bottá University of Helsinki
Martin Cloonan University of Glasgow
Pranoo Deshraju University of Hyderabad
Murray Forman Northeastern University Boston
Paula Guerra Universidade do Porto
Fabian Holt Roskilde University
Luciana Mendonça Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Rosa Reitsamer Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Daniel Silver University of Toronto
Will Straw McGill University Montreal
Susana Zapke Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
We welcome proposals for monographs readers and edited collections.
The theoretical model of Urban Music Studies is based on the assumptions that
- there is a vital exchange between the music and the city
- music is a part of the intrinsic logic of cities
- music contributes to the image design of a city
- music is an important part of the economy of cities and urban regeneration
- music can become an issue of urban politics and policies
- music is an essential component of the cultural heritage of cities
- music is a pivotal part of urban culture and the Creative Industries
Editorial board
Andy Bennett Griffith University Brisbane
Giacomo Bottá University of Helsinki
Martin Cloonan University of Glasgow
Pranoo Deshraju University of Hyderabad
Murray Forman Northeastern University Boston
Paula Guerra Universidade do Porto
Fabian Holt Roskilde University
Luciana Mendonça Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Rosa Reitsamer Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Daniel Silver University of Toronto
Will Straw McGill University Montreal
Susana Zapke Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Who's Who in Research
Book Series
The Who’s Who in Research series acts as a guide to academics in subject areas of Visual Arts Performing Arts Media Studies Cultural Studies and Film Studies. Each volume focuses on a particular subject area and gives details of researchers’ principal and bibliographic information as well as a list of articles published in Intellect journals.
The volumes provide the most up-to-date information on the foremost innovative thinkers in academia.
Cultural Studies ISSN 2053-5031 | Film Studies ISSN 2053-5066 | Media Studies ISSN 2049-8756 | Performing Arts ISSN 2053-504X | Visual Arts ISSN 2053-5058
The volumes provide the most up-to-date information on the foremost innovative thinkers in academia.
Cultural Studies ISSN 2053-5031 | Film Studies ISSN 2053-5066 | Media Studies ISSN 2049-8756 | Performing Arts ISSN 2053-504X | Visual Arts ISSN 2053-5058
World Film Locations
ISSN: 2045-9009
E-ISSN: 2045-9017
Book Series
The World Film Locations series explores and reveals the relationship between the city and cinema by using a predominantly visual approach perfectly suited to the medium of film. The city continues to play a central role in a multitude of films helping us to frame our understanding of place and of the world around us. Whether as elaborate directorial love letters or as time specific cultural settings the city acts as a vital character in helping to tell a story.
These are the issues that have prompted the World Film Locations book series and which we are excited to explore further looking at questions such as: How is cinema helping to shape our view of the city? What is the role of the city in film? How can we engage with and better understand different cultures through the medium of film?
Alongside brief texts about carefully chosen film scenes and insightful essays about themes directors and key historical periods relating to each individual city each book is illustrated throughout with evocative movie stills city maps and location photographs.
These are the issues that have prompted the World Film Locations book series and which we are excited to explore further looking at questions such as: How is cinema helping to shape our view of the city? What is the role of the city in film? How can we engage with and better understand different cultures through the medium of film?
Alongside brief texts about carefully chosen film scenes and insightful essays about themes directors and key historical periods relating to each individual city each book is illustrated throughout with evocative movie stills city maps and location photographs.
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