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Radio Journal:International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media
The Radio Journal is committed to high-quality, diverse research in the arena of radio and sound media, from broadcast to podcast and all in between. We look for articles that explore the production, circulation and reception of radio and creative soundwork, addressing historical and contemporary issues in sound-based journalism and media studies from a wide range of national and transnational perspectives.
Collection ISBN: 978-1-78938-135-1 | ePDF ISBN 978-1-78938-136-8
Just as the term design has been going through change, growth and expansion of meaning, and interpretation in practice and education – the same can be said for design research. The traditional boundaries of design are dissolving and connections are being established with other fields at an exponential rate. Based on the proceedings from the IASDR 2017 Conference, Re:Research is an edited collection that showcases a curated selection of 83 papers – just over half of the works presented at the conference. With topics ranging from the introduction of design in the primary education sector to designing information for Artificial Intelligence systems, this book collection demonstrates the diverse perspectives of design and design research. Divided into seven thematic volumes, this collection maps out where the field of design research is now.
The Re:Research collection includes:
Volume 1: Teaching and Learning Design
Volume 2: Philosophical Frameworks and Design Processes
Volume 3: Design and the Creation of Social Value
Volume 4: Design and Living Well
Volume 5: Design Discourse on Culture and Society
Volume 6: Design Discourse on Business and Industry
Volume 7: Design and Digital Interaction
Download the PDF of all the contents pages
To purchase the full collection either in hardback or ebook version please contact Jelena Stanovnik ([email protected]).
Readings in Art and Design Education
Series Editor: John Steers
Readings in Art & Design Education is a series of anthologies addressing key issues in art and design education. Each book is edited by an acknowledged authority in the field and the contributors have been selected to provide a broad overview and breadth of understanding of the concerns in question. The series is invaluable reading for all students of art and design education whether studying for the PGCE or for studies at masters level. Classroom teachers will also find these books a stimulating read.