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Indian Theatre Journal
Indian Theatre Journal (ITJ) is the first international journal on Indian theatre. It is committed to publishing a wide range of critical and scholarly approaches to various aspects of Indian theatre and performance from their social, political, cultural, economical and diasporic contexts through academic essays, plays, production reviews, interviews and other important performance events in India. The journal hopes to bring together current intellectual debates and artistic practices not only in theatre but also in other corresponding areas such as dance, music, arts, aesthetics and culture, which will bring together the wider context of the confluences and correspondence between philosophy, performance and culture in India. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal aims at creating an international platform for scholars, critics, playwrights, actors and directors of Indian theatre to present their work through cutting edge research and innovative performance practice. In addition, the journal is keen to explore the recent developments in intercultural theatre, theatre anthropology, performance studies and Indian and South Asian diaspora across the globe.
Intellect China Library
Series Editor: Dr Hiu Man Chan, Chair: Mark Lewis
The Intellect China Library is a series of new English translations of the latest scholarship in Chinese that have not previously been available. Subjects covered include film studies, visual arts, performing arts, media and the broader creative industries. The series aims to foster intellectual debate and to promote closer cross-cultural knowledge exchange by introducing unique Chinese scholarship and ideas to our readers.
International Advisory Board
Professor Kerry Brown, Director, Lau China Institute, King’s College London
Professor Nick Bryan-Kinns, Queen Mary, University of London
Professor Juan Cruz, Edinburgh College of Art
Professor Anthony Fung, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Grace Lang, China Director, UK Research and Innovation
Professor Justin O’Connor, University of South Australia
Dr Li Pi, M Plus Museum, Hong Kong
Professor Yueming Rong, Director, Shanghai Culture Research Centre
Dr Tim Summers, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Hong Zhang, Colby College
Intellect Live
Series Editors: Dominic Johnson, Lois Keidan and C. J. Mitchell.
Intellect Live is a collaboration between Intellect Books and the Live Art Development Agency. The series is characterized by lavishly illustrated and exquisitely designed books, created through close collaborations between artists and writers, each of which is the first substantial publication dedicated to an artist's work.
The Live Art Development Agency (LADA) offers Resources, Professional Development Initiatives, and Projects & Publishing for the support and development of Live Art artists, audiences and discourses in the UK and internationally. LADA works strategically, in partnership and in consultation with artists and organisations in the cultural sector and is committed to creating the conditions in which diversity, experimentation and risk can thrive.
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture
Interactions aims to encourage the development of the widest possible scholarly community both in terms of geographical location and intellectual scope in the fields of media, communication and cultural studies.
International Journal of Community Music
The International Journal of Community Music publishes research articles, practical discussions, timely reviews, readers' notes and special issues concerning all aspects of Community Music. The editorial board is composed of leading international scholars and practitioners spanning diverse disciplines that reflect the scope of Community Music practice and theory.
International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
The International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies is a new peer-reviewed, tri- annual, academic publication devoted to the study of modern Iraq. In recognition of Iraq's increasingly important position on the world stage, the time is right for a new journal dedicated to scholarly engagement with the country.
International Journal of Digital Television
The International Journal of Digital Television will describe and explain the transition to digital TV and wider trends in television. As switchover happens across the globe and television's operations and audiences are transformed, the International Journal of Digital Television will be at the forefront of efforts to understand the changes and developments.
International Journal of Disney Studies
The International Journal of Disney Studies examines the Walt Disney Company, a media conglomerate that impacts our global culture. This peer-reviewed journal draws from a variety of academic and industrial lenses, perspectives, methods and fields, while providing a space for scholars to present new research, review current research and comment on wider Disney commodities.
For more information, or to submit to the journal, please contact the editors.
Twitter: @IJDisneyStudies
IJDS is affiliated with the Disney, Culture & Society Research Network and supported by Texas A&M University-Commerce.
International Journal of Education Through Art
The International Journal of Education through Art is an English language journal that promotes relationships between art and education. The term 'art education' should be taken to include art, craft and design education. Each issue, published three times a year within a single volume, consists of peer-reviewed articles mainly in the form of research reports and critical essays, but may also include exhibition reviews and image-text features.
International Journal of Fashion Studies
The International Journal of Fashion Studies is a scientific peer-reviewed journal that fosters the worldwide diffusion of Fashion Studies. Fashion Studies is an interdisciplinary field of research that has been producing an extensive repertoire of theories, analyses and enquiries.
International Journal of Food Design
The International Journal of Food Design (IJFD) is the first academic journal entirely dedicated to Food Design research and practice. We aim at creating a platform for researchers operating in the various disciplines that contribute to the understanding of Food Design.
Although the journal is open towards different background disciplines, knowledge and expertise, it only focuses on collecting any Food Design-related research outcome: research that somehow combines food and Design. We define Food Design as simply the discipline that connects food and Design: Design applied to food and eating, or food and eating investigated from a Design perspective. In other words, among all knowledge on food and eating, we look at research where Design has an important role, and among all knowledge on Design, we look at research that focuses on aspects of food or eating.
International Journal of Francophone Studies
The International Journal of Francophone Studies offers a critical preview for a new development in the understanding of 'France outside France', with a thorough insight into the network of disciplinary issues affiliated with this study. The journal complements the thriving area of scholarly interest in the French-speaking regions of the world, bringing a location of linguistic, cultural, historical and social dynamics within a single academic arena.
International Journal of Iberian Studies
The International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) is the academic journal for scholars from around the world whose research focuses on contemporary Spain and Portugal from a range of disciplinary perspectives. IJIS is interested in history (20th century onwards), government and politics; foreign policy and international relations.
International Journal of Islamic Architecture
The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) is intended for those interested in urban design and planning, architecture, and landscape design in the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on detailed analysis of the practical, historical and theoretical aspects of architecture, with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal is also specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology, and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines, IJIA seeks to analyze and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered. The cross-cultural and interdisciplinary nature of this journal will significantly contribute to the knowledge in this field.
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is an interdisciplinary forum directed at the empirical study of music in early childhood, or pre-birth to age 8. The journal welcomes research-based contributions from fields, such as music education, music therapy, community music, psychology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, childhood studies and social work, that are concerned with diverse aspects relating to music in the lives of young children.
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is published in partnership with the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.
Formerly published as Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association, 2006-2018 (ISSN: 2375-3374, Online ISSN: 2375-3382).