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Global Health Humanities
Series Editors: Susan Hogan and Anna Greenwood
Global Health Humanities is a new book series from Intellect that will look at the global health humanities from a number of perspectives, incorporating:- medical humanities
- health humanities (broadly defined)
- history of medicine
- arts and health
A wide range of critical studies interrogating the epistemology of knowledge production will be considered. Forms of health knowledge production will be questioned. This is a series that will be attentive to the mutually constitutive nature of gender, sexual identity, cultural identity, disability, age and other categories of difference that shape social practices and individual lives. This sensitivity to cultural perspectives will form a critical, and distinctive, lens for the series. Topics of interest will include, but not be restricted to, global health inequalities and the health humanities; critical reflections on global health humanities; conceptualisations of health; global health in health humanities scholarship; global maternal health; critical analysis of representations of health and illness across cultures; gender inequality; gender issues in the arts and health.
The series will have multiple formats: traditional scholarly monographs, edited collections and shorter format volumes. It is anticipated that the shorter format will provide an easily accessible medium as a ‘way in’ for readers to learn about new aspects of health humanities. The shorter format books will comprise accessibly written, but still scholarly and referenced, introductions or case studies. Authors will include established scholars in the field, emerging early-career scholars, and practitioners.
Whilst health is a universal issue, it is experienced differently by those with different genders and sexual orientations. The way women, men, intersex, non-binary, and transgender people relate via the arts and humanities to their health remains under-researched. This is a striking omission in today’s world increasingly attuned to multiple modes of gender identification, as well as the ever-changing roles of women and men.
The series is targeted to appeal to health humanities scholars, clinicians and carers, and arts and humanities practitioners, as well as the learned general public.
Brief expressions of interest can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]
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Editorial Board
Victoria Bates, University of Bristol
Brian Brown, De Montfort University
Paul Crawford, University of Nottingham
Paul Elliot, University of Derby
Sander L. Gilman, Emory University
Jessica Howell, Texas A & M University (TAMU)
Janelle Jones, Queen Mary University of London
Therese Jones, University of Colorado Denver
Michael Koon Boon Tan, Sheffield Hallam University
George Rousseau, King's College, Aberdeen
Global Hip Hop Studies
Global Hip Hop Studies (GHHS) is a peer-reviewed, rigorous and community-responsive academic journal that publishes research on contemporary as well as historical issues and debates surrounding hip hop music and culture around the world, twice annually.
Global Punk
Series editors: Russ Bestley and Mike Dines
Produced in collaboration with the Punk Scholars Network, the Global Punk book series focuses on the historical development and contemporary presence of punk around the world, reflecting upon origins, aesthetics, identity, legacy, membership, and circulation. Critical approaches draw upon the interdisciplinary areas of (among others) cultural studies, art and design, sociology, musicology, and social sciences in order to develop a broad and inclusive picture of punk and punk-inspired subcultural developments around the globe. The Global Punk series, therefore, adopts an essentially analytical perspective, raising questions about the dissemination of punk scenes and subcultures and their form, structure, and contemporary cultural significance in the daily lives of an increasing number of people around the world.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):- Global impact and inclusion
- Punk history/histories
- Etymology and language
- Genre definition and development
- Antecedents and influences
- Practices of production, distribution and consumption/reception
- Art and design strategies
- Fashion, aesthetics and style
- Musicology
- Politics, community, gender, sexuality, class and race issues
- Transgression and subcultural opposition
- Associated cultural industries
- Concepts of independence and DIY cultures
- Debates around authenticity
- Archival practices
- Film studies
Editorial Board
Edward Avery-Natale, Mercer County Community College
Ellen Bernhard, Georgian Court University
Minerva Campion Canelas, Javeriana University
Pete Dale, University of York
Matt Grimes, Birmingham City University
Daniel Makagon, DePaul University
Michael Mary Murphy, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art
Marie Arleth Skov, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Francis Stewart, Bishop Grosseteste University
Laura Way, University of Lincoln
Journal of Global Diaspora & Media
Journal of Global Diaspora and Media (GDM) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform to theorize the complexities of the notion of diaspora and investigate the representations of diaspora people in the diasporic media and mainstream media from an interdisciplinary approach. The journal explores the roles played by the media to project the diaspora voices and facilitate their engagement and interaction with communities, agencies and governments at home and host nations.