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- Cultural Studies [2] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/cultural-studies
- Visual Arts [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/visual-arts
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- Intellect [4] http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/intellect
Baha'i Studies Review
Baha'i Studies Review is an academic journal dealing with all aspects of the study of the Baha'i Faith. All papers submitted are subject to a peer review process.
BCMCR New Directions in Media and Cultural Research
Series Editors: Oliver Carter, Kirsten Forkert, Nicholas Gebhardt and Dima Saber.
The Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research’s ‘New Directions’ book series aims to advance research and teaching in the broad range of media and cultural studies and to serve as the focal point for a community of scholars who are committed to critical inquiry and collaborative practice. Books in the series engage with developments in the field, showing how new theoretical approaches have impacted on research within both media and cultural studies and other related disciplines. Each volume will focus on a specific theme or issue, as well as exploring broader processes of social and cultural transformation. The series is committed to producing distinctive titles that challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries and question existing paradigms, including innovative scholarship in areas such as the creative industries; media history, heritage and archives; games studies; gender and sexuality; screen cultures; jazz and popular music studies; media and conflict; songwriting studies; and critical theory. The editors are also keen to encourage authors to experiment with non-standard approaches to academic writing.
For more information about the series or to submit a proposal please contact the series editor:
Nicholas Gebhardt: [email protected]
To propose a manuscript please send a completed Author/Editor Questionnaire. The form can be downloaded from Publish with Us page.
Editorial Board
Joanna Garde-Hansen, University of Warwick
Paul Long, Monash University
John Mercer, Birmingham City University
Karen Patel, Birmingham City University
Annette Naudin, Birmingham City University
Sean Sobers, University of the West of England
Eduardo Vincente, University of Sao Paolo
Tony Whyton, Birmingham City University
Book 2.0
Book 2.0 is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles and reviews about historical, modern and contemporary book creation, design, illustration and production. Since its founding in 2010, Book 2.0 has explored topics that have included children's literature and culture, traditional and modern storytelling, oral literature, poetry publishing and the enormous efforts being made by Indigenous speakers and their supporters to secure and sustain endangered languages.