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Poster, The


Punk & Post-Punk

Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture

Radio Journal:International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media


Short Fiction in Theory & Practice

Short Film Studies

Soundtrack, The

Studies in Comics
Studies in Comics aims to describe the nature of comics to identify the medium as a distinct art form and to address the medium's formal properties. The emerging field of comics studies is a model for interdisciplinary research and in this spirit this journal welcomes all approaches. This journal is international in scope and provides an inclusive space in which researchers from all backgrounds can present new thinking on comics to a global audience. The journal will promote the close analysis of the comics page/text using a variety of methodologies. Its specific goal however is to expand the relationship between comics and theory and to articulate a ""theory of comics"". The journal also includes reviews of new comics criticism and exhibitions and a dedicated online space for cutting-edge and emergent creative work.

Studies in Costume & Performance
Studies in Costume & Performance aims to encourage generate and disseminate critical discourse on costume and the relationship between costume and performance. It considers costume as a symbiotic articulation of the body of the performer which is visual material temporal and performative. Whether performed live seen through the camera lens or found in an archive costume embodies and reflects the performance itself.
The journal will bring together experts in costume scenography performance fashion and curation as well as critically engaged practitioners and designers to reflect and debate costume in performance its reception in production exhibition and in academic critical discourse. Submission will include visual essays. The journal is double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity.
Past and current practice is considered through the ‘reading’ of the costumed body as a communication of embodied cultural social artistic and historical narratives. As such this journal is an articulation of practice which through this process redefines practice itself.

Studies in Hispanic Cinemas (new title: Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas)
Our target readership includes students teachers and scholars. The journal is written in English to maximize the opportunities for contact between academic disciplines such as Media Film Studies Latin American and Post-colonial Studies as well as Hispanic Studies thereby encouraging an inter- cultural and inter- disciplinary focus.
View the issues of Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas available online

Studies in Musical Theatre

Studies in South Asian Film & Media

Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas
Our target readership includes students teachers and scholars. The journal is written in English to maximize the opportunities for contact between academic disciplines such as Media Film Studies Latin American and Post-colonial Studies as well as Hispanic Studies thereby encouraging an inter-cultural and inter-disciplinary focus.
View the Studies in Hispanic Cinemas archive from Volume 1 2004

Technoetic Arts

Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration

Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media

Virtual Creativity