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Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art
The Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (JCCA) is a scholarly forum for the presentation of new research into and critical debate on or concerned with the subject of contemporary Chinese art.

Journal of Contemporary Painting
Journal of Contemporary Painting responds to the territory and practice of contemporary painting in its broadest sense viewing painting as a context for discussion exploring its sphere of history and influence rather than as a medium specific debate. The JCP combines a thematic approach with an open call each issue opening up and problematising pressing concerns in contemporary painting.
As well as contributions to current debates on contemporary art a particular feature of the Journal of Contemporary Painting is the publication of archival or newly translated texts alongside current responsive articles based on the premise that contemporary painting cannot be understood without reflecting on its history. Dedication to understanding the nature and forms of painting research has also led to the inclusions of an original visual essay for every edition. Additionally we respond to current exhibitions books and symposia nationally and internationally in our reviews section.
Our aim is to be responsive to current debates in painting and related art practices drawing from a wide geographical field and across discipline boundaries to provide a discursive space in which a range of subject specialisms can be brought to bear on the culture of painting. We are particularly interested in writing emerging from practice-based research as well as from academics working in different disciplines.

Journal of Curatorial Studies

Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices

Journal of Design, Business & Society

Journal of Environmental Media

Journal of European Popular Culture

Journal of Fandom Studies, The

Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds

Journal of Global Diaspora & Media

Journal of Greek Media & Culture

Journal of Gulf Studies
The Journal of Gulf Studies is a peer-reviewed academic publication and a unique platform that presents the reader with cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on topics related to the Gulf region (Bahrain Saudi Arabia Qatar United Arab Emirates Kuwait and Oman) and its neighbouring countries. This journal one of the strongest research platforms for Gulf studies provides exclusive entry into the field and brings together experts and scholars from the Gulf the Middle East and the international academic community.

Journal of Illustration
Illustration is a rapidly evolving field with an excitingly broad scope. Despite its cultural significance and rich history illustration has rarely been subject to deep academic scrutiny. The Journal of Illustration provides an international forum for scholarly research and investigation of a range of cultural political philosophical historical and contemporary issues in relation to illustration. The journal encourages new critical writing on illustration associated visual communication and the role of the illustrator as visualizer thinker and facilitator within a wide variety of disciplines and professional contexts.

Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies

Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies

Journal of Music, Technology & Education

Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies

Journal of Pervasive Media
Journal of Pervasive Media is the new title forĀ Ubiquity. The title change will comes into effect from Volume 8. All previous issues can be accessed on the Ubiquity page.