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Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance

Performing Islam
Emerging from an international network project funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economics and Social Research Council and research collaboration between academics and practitioners Performing Islam is the first double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal about Islam and performance and their related aesthetics. It focuses on socio-cultural as well as the historical and political contexts of artistic practices in the Muslim world.
The journal covers dance ritual theatre performing arts visual arts and cultures and popular entertainment in Islam-influenced societies and their diasporas. It promotes insightful research of performative expressions of Islam by performers and publics and encompasses theoretical debates empirical studies postgraduate research interviews with performers research notes and queries and reviews of books conferences festivals events and performances.

Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association
Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association is an interdiciplinary forum directed at the empirical study of music in early childhood or pre-birth to age 8. The journal welcomes research-based contributions from fields such as music education music therapy community music psychology ethnomusicology anthropology sociology history philosophy childhood studies and social work that are concerened with diverse aspects relating to music in the lives of young children.
Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association is published in partnership with the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.
Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association is now published as International Journal of Music in Early Childhood (ISSN: 2516-1989 Online ISSN: 2516-1997).

Philosophy of Photography

Portuguese Journal of Social Science

Poster, The
