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Indian Theatre Journal

Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture

International Journal of Community Music

International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies

International Journal of Digital Television

International Journal of Disney Studies
For more information or to submit to the journal please contact the editors.
Twitter: @IJDisneyStudies
IJDS is affiliated with the Disney Culture & Society Research Network and supported by Texas A&M University-Commerce.

International Journal of Education Through Art
The International Journal of Education through Art is an English language journal that promotes relationships between art and education. The term 'art education' should be taken to include art craft and design education. Each issue published three times a year within a single volume consists of peer-reviewed articles mainly in the form of research reports and critical essays but may also include exhibition reviews and image-text features.

International Journal of Fashion Studies

International Journal of Food Design
The International Journal of Food Design (IJFD) is the first academic journal entirely dedicated to Food Design research and practice. We aim at creating a platform for researchers operating in the various disciplines that contribute to the understanding of Food Design.
Although the journal is open towards different background disciplines knowledge and expertise it only focuses on collecting any Food Design-related research outcome: research that somehow combines food and Design. We define Food Design as simply the discipline that connects food and Design: Design applied to food and eating or food and eating investigated from a Design perspective. In other words among all knowledge on food and eating we look at research where Design has an important role and among all knowledge on Design we look at research that focuses on aspects of food or eating.

International Journal of Francophone Studies

International Journal of Iberian Studies

International Journal of Islamic Architecture
The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) is intended for those interested in urban design and planning architecture and landscape design in the historic Islamic world encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on detailed analysis of the practical historical and theoretical aspects of architecture with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal is also specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history geography politics aesthetics technology and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines IJIA seeks to analyze and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered. The cross-cultural and interdisciplinary nature of this journal will significantly contribute to the knowledge in this field.

International Journal of Music in Early Childhood
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is an interdisciplinary forum directed at the empirical study of music in early childhood or pre-birth to age 8. The journal welcomes research-based contributions from fields such as music education music therapy community music psychology ethnomusicology anthropology sociology history philosophy childhood studies and social work that are concerned with diverse aspects relating to music in the lives of young children.
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is published in partnership with the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.
Formerly published as Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association 2006-2018 (ISSN: 2375-3374 Online ISSN: 2375-3382).