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Fashion, Style & Popular Culture
Fashion Style & Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal specifically dedicated to the area of fashion scholarship and its interfacings with popular culture. It was established to provide an interdisciplinary environment for fashion academics and practitioners to publish innovative scholarship in all aspects of fashion and popular culture relating to design textiles production promotion consumption and appearance-related products and services. Articles related to history manufacturing aesthetics sourcing marketing branding merchandising retailing technology psychological/sociological aspects of dress style body image and cultural identities as well as purchasing shopping and the ways and means consumers construct identity as associated to Fashion Style & Popular Culture are welcomed. The journal offers a broad range of written and visual scholarship and includes works done through various methods of research. We welcome conceptual theoretical and translational applied research in the areas of fashion style and popular culture. This journal hopes to stimulate new discussions in the fashion disciplines and to push the envelope of scholarship by welcoming new and established scholars to submit their works.
Download the journal's Notes for Contributors.

Film International

Film Matters
Film Matters is an exciting film magazine celebrating the work of undergraduate film scholars. It is published three times a year by students and for students and each issue contains feature articles as well as a healthy reviews section. In addition with an undergraduate audience in mind Film Matters will include occasional service-oriented pieces such as profiles of film studies departments articles that engage the undergraduate film studies community and prepare students for graduate study in this field and resources and opportunities that undergraduate scholars can pursue. In an effort to give undergraduate scholars real-world applied learning experiences all Film Matters feature submissions from external open calls will undergo a peer review process.
Film Matters also enjoys partnering with guest editors on themed dossiers. Any instructor who works with undergraduate students (including teaching assistants part-time faculty etc.) is encouraged to contact the editors with dossier proposals.
For more information and content visit the Film Matters website.