Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication - Current Issue
Volume 14, Issue 2, 2023
- Editorial
More LessThis issue of the European Journal for Philosophy of Communication (EJPC) (Empedocles) contains a long experimental text on the love of language and the process of self-expression in language, written by Dutch author Ninke Overbeek. The text, originally written in Dutch, was awarded a grant by the Intellect translation fund. We are grateful to Intellect for making the translation possible and creating the opportunity to publish this type of writing in the journal. In addition to Overbeek’s text, this issue contains a critical book review and a reflective essay on aspects of Buber’s dialogical philosophy.
- Articles
Language as a lens
More LessThis text was written first in Dutch in 2011. It is an adaptation of my BA thesis for the University of the Arts in Utrecht and I am still very excited that I wrote it in the way that I did, because it was written within an educational context of great creative freedom. This is to say that many of the things I state about language are based on experience working as a writer for stage productions, performance and poetry. I allow myself to play with language, and create my own terminology as I go along; a terminology of my own, based in my own practice – this is what still makes it a valuable text to me and hopefully to others, one I would never be able to produce again in the same way. I had a bigger ability to wonder, and less knowledge, for instance about Mieke Bal’s concept of focalization, to lean back on. I continued my studies after writing this, which means that a lot of the theory on language philosophy could have been backed up by a more specified theoretical framework. It is important to keep this in mind while reading this publication. If anything, it is an invitation to take a look anew at the material of a writer: language, vocabulary. I would like to invite you to consider this while reading. This text comes from a source of genuine wonder about words and what they might mean.
Dialogue for Martin Buber and its importance in present geopolitical realities: A discourse analysis
More LessMartin Buber was an eighteenth-century European thinker, philosopher and scholar. Buber’s thoughts are very relevant and contemporary, even in today’s advanced digital, informational and technological age. We live in a time of heightened tensions and conflict; the article discusses geopolitical realities and the importance of dialogue. It goes over Martin Burrell’s ideas on dialogue. Further, it discusses understanding geopolitics in the light of dialogue. This article concludes that advanced technology is affecting core issues of geopolitics. Only dialogue can provide answers to humanity’s challenges in this changing era. In such a time, the core principles of Martin Buber’s dialogue are more relevant than ever for a way forward that the entire world is looking for in relation to present geopolitical realities.
- Book Review
Communauté (Gemeinschaft), Martin Buber (2018)
More LessReview of: Communauté (Gemeinschaft), Martin Buber (2018)
Paris: Éditions de l’éclat, 157 pp.,
ISBN 978-2-84162-432-4, p/bk, €10
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