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Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies
ISSN: 1757-1898
E-ISSN: 1757-1901
The Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies (CJCS) is committed to publishing research and theoretical articles in the fields of media studies popular culture and cinema public relations and advertising studies social communication new media language uses in the media communication and cultural policies social and national identities gender studies sports and leisure tourism and heritage among other related issues. CJCS publishes double blind peer-reviewed articles and its aims and scope cover not only Catalan media and cultural systems but also other social contexts.

Choreographic Practices
ISSN: 2040-5669
E-ISSN: 2040-5677
Choreographic Practices operates from the principle that dance embodies ideas and can be productively enlivened when considered as a mode of critical and creative discourse. The journal provides a platform for sharing choreographic practices critical inquiry and debate.

Citizenship Teaching & Learning
ISSN: 1751-1917
E-ISSN: 1751-1925
Citizenship Teaching and Learning is global in scope exploring issues of social and moral responsibility community involvement and political literacy. It advances academic and professional understandings within a broad characterisation of education focussing on a wide range of issues including identity diversity equality and social justice within social moral political and cultural contexts.

Clothing Cultures
ISSN: 2050-0742
E-ISSN: 2050-0750
We all wear clothes. We are all therefore invested at some level in the production and consumption of clothing. This journal intends to embrace issues and themes that are both universal and personal addressing [and dressing] us all. Increasingly as we all become accomplished semioticians clothing becomes the key signifier in determining social interaction and behaviour and sartorial norms dictate socio-cultural appropriateness. Following the rise of fashion theory on an everyday level we all understand that our clothes 'say' something about us about our times nation system of values. Yet clothing is not fashion; clothing is a term derivative from 'cloth' to cover the body whereas fashion alludes to the glamorous the ephemeral and the avant garde. We wear clothes but imagine fashion-an unattainable ideal.

Craft Research
ISSN: 2040-4689
E-ISSN: 2040-4697
The aim of Craft Research is to advocate and promote current and emerging craft research including research into materials processes methods concepts aesthetic and style. This may be in any discipline area of the applied arts and crafts including craft education.

Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty
ISSN: 2040-4417
E-ISSN: 2040-4425
Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty is the first journal dedicated to the critical examination of the fashion and the beauty systems as symbolic spaces of production and reproduction representation and communication of artifacts meanings social practices and visual or textual renditions of cloth clothing and appearance.

Critical Studies in Men's Fashion
ISSN: 2050-070X
E-ISSN: 2050-0718
Critical Studies in Men's Fashion examines the multi-faceted dimensions of men's appearance. It uses the holistic definition of dress as a means of examining the tangible and intangible aspects of creating and maintaining appearance. This journal is the first to exclusively focus on men's dress and topics of gender identity sexuality culture marketing and business will be discussed. Men's dress and fashion have been side-lined in scholarship and this journal provides a dedicated space for the discussion analysis and theoretical development of men's appearance from multiple disciplines. All articles are blind-peer reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity. Theoretical and empirical scholarship in the form of original articles manuscripts research reports pedagogy and media reviews are welcome.

Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
ISSN: 2040-4344
E-ISSN: 2040-4352
The course of cultures at both local and global levels is crucially affected by migratory movements. In turn culture itself is turned migrant. This journal will advance the study of the plethora of cultural texts on migration produced by an increasing number of cultural practitioners across the globe who tackle questions of culture in the context of migration. They do this in a variety of ways and through a variety of media. To name but a few relevant aspects of this juncture of migration and culture questions of dislocation travel borders diasporic identities transnational contacts and cultures cultural memory the transmission of identity across generations questions of hybridity and cultural difference the material and oral histories of migration and the role of new technologies in bridging cultures and fostering cultural cross-pollination will all be relevant. Methodologies of research will include both the study of 'texts' and fieldwork.
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