oa Silencing the voices of discontent: How the new digital communication environment reinforces the spiral of silence in the Yemeni crisis
- 23 Mar 2024
- 17 Jun 2024
- 10 Sep 2024
This study examines the impact of the new digital communication environment on the spiral of silence mechanisms in the context of the current Yemeni crisis. The research focuses on three controversial topics related to the crisis: the role of the Arab coalition in Yemen, the legitimacy of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi and the call to disengage the Yemeni southern governorates from the unified Yemeni state. The sample for this study consisted of 438 respondents, selected using the snowball sampling method. The findings suggest that despite the changes in communication conditions, the mechanisms of the spiral of silence remain effective in the new digital communication environment. The study found that respondents emphasized their awareness of the severity of controversy, disagreement, hostile reactions from the other side and their fears of the threat of social isolation which affected their desire to express their opinions towards the three political issues. The results demonstrated that the respondents with the highest fear of isolation tended to exclude expressing an opinion in the new communication environment or prefer adhering to neutrality. The results confirmed that what impedes the expression of opinion in conflict environments is not the inability of individuals to access media and publishing platforms but rather the same psychological and social mechanisms of the spiral of silence – as identified by Neumann. The study proposes a new model of the spiral of silence theory that incorporates the transformations of the communication field and the inhibitors of opinion expression on social media.