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image of The impact of social physique anxiety on clothing choices among female university students


Media and societal values play a significant role in influencing social physique anxiety among female university students. This, in turn, affects the multifaceted roles that attire assumes, including concealing, enhancing and expressing. A recent study conducted in Taiwan examined 503 female college students, utilizing the Social Physique Anxiety Scale and Clothing Functions Scale. The research aimed to uncover how anxiety about body image influences the selection of clothing. Cluster analysis identified three distinct groups: those with a ‘Confident’, ‘Comfortable’ and ‘Anxious’ body image. Further analysis through ANOVA revealed variations in clothing preferences across these clusters. Regression analysis then delved into the impact of public, physical and competitive and non-public, evaluative and comfort on clothing choices within each group. The findings indicated that clothing preferences were strongly influenced by the level of anxiety. While individuality and fashion preferences remained stable, high anxiety levels led to more practical and concealing clothing choices. In contrast, lower anxiety levels were associated with more individualistic and fashionable selections. The study emphasized the significant roles of ‘PPC’ and ‘NPEC’ in shaping clothing functions within the identified clusters, highlighting the complex relationship between self-perception, attire and self-expression in the pursuit of confidence. Overall, the research emphasized the strong correlation between social physique anxiety and the decisions made in clothing selection.

This study was supported by the:
  • The Ministry of Education of the Republic of China

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