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image of Chinese consumers’ attitudes towards clothing that incorporate Chinese cultural elements: A mixed method study


In the globalized fashion market, a growing number of fashion brands and designers are utilizing Chinese cultural elements as a branding strategy to create competitive differentiation and attract Chinese consumers. Nevertheless, Chinese consumers’ attitudes towards different styles of clothing that incorporate Chinese cultural elements remain uncertain. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Chinese consumers’ attitudes towards clothing that incorporate Chinese cultural elements. The study also explored the factors that influence their attitudes. A mixed method approach was employed to survey 189 Chinese consumers aged 18–30. The survey encompassed attitude scales and open-ended questions. Paired samples -tests and inductive coding were used in the data analysis. The study’s findings indicated that Chinese consumers illustrated a significantly positive attitude towards Chinese-style clothing incorporating Chinese cultural elements, compared to global-style clothing incorporating Chinese cultural elements. Moreover, five factors influence Chinese consumers’ attitudes, namely cultural experience with Chinese cultural elements, symbolism of Chinese cultural elements, nationalist sentiments, cultural aesthetics and innovation of clothing, and the harmony between the clothing style and Chinese cultural elements. Practical implications to fashion brands and fashion designers are discussed.


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