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image of Service quality expectations of international fashion apparel brands in India: Satisfaction loyalty and the mediating role of culture


Service quality is an important determinant of customer brand experience, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, with cross-cultural differences leading to varied expectations of service from consumers. Our research aims to understand the influence of the service quality expectations and cultural factors that influence customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the moderating role of cultural values on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty of international fashion apparel brand purchasing of young consumers in India. Data collected across 142 young consumers in India via questionnaire are analysed using PLS_SEM structural modelling. The findings indicate that the service quality parameter tangibility has a significantly positive relationship with customer satisfaction while both reliability and formality positively influence customer loyalty. The cultural value self-transcendence depicts a significant positive relationship with customer loyalty, while the moderating effect of conservation on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is also significantly positive, validating the role of cultural values as both a predictor and moderator of customer purchase motivation.


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