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Intellect Full Collection 2023

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Collection Contents
21 - 40 of 116 results
Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice
Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice promotes and disseminates drawing research with a focus on contemporary practice and its theoretical context. This journal seeks to reestablish the materiality of drawing as a medium at a time when virtual, on-line, electronic media dominates visuality and communication.
This peer-reviewed publication represents drawing as a significant discipline in its own right and in a diversity of forms: as an experimental practice, as research, as representation and/or documentation, as historical and/or theoretical exploration, as process or as performance. It explores the drawing discipline across fine art, science and engineering, media and communication, psychology, architecture, design, science and technology, textiles, fashion, social and cultural practices.
East Asian Journal of Popular Culture
The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is the leading academic peer-reviewed journal for scholars, teachers and students from around the world interested in the popular culture of East Asia. In recent decades, East Asian popular culture has attracted increasing attention within academia and beyond. The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is one manifestation of this, serving as an important forum for academic debate over popular cultural phenomena throughout the region and their social and political ramifications. The journal's scope embraces all aspects of popular culture in East Asia as well as the cultural interplay between East Asia and the wider world. Encompassing work on genres from film to music, art to translation and fashion to tourism; the journal offers a forum where multidisciplinary work can come together in new and exciting ways. We welcome original scholarship related to all aspects of East Asian popular culture from creation to dissemination and beyond. We also offer a space for shorter reviews or reports of cultural events and activities, and for reviews of scholarship in any language related to East Asian popular culture.
Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication
The European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication aims to provide a publication and discussion platform for those working at the interface of philosophy and the study of communication, in all its aspects. This journal is published in cooperation with the Section for the Philosophy of Communication of ECREA, the European Communication Reserach and Education Association.
European Journal of American Culture
The European Journal of American Culture (EJAC) is an academic, refereed journal for scholars, academics and students from many disciplines with a common involvement in the interdisciplinary study of America and American culture, drawing on a variety of approaches and encompassing the whole evolution of the country.
Explorations in Media Ecology
EME explores the relationships between media, technology, symbolic form, communication, consciousness, and culture. Its scope is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. Media ecology provides a rich philosophical, historical and practical context for studying our increasingly technological and mediated society and culture with an emphasis on historical context.
Media ecology scholarship emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding media, communication, and technology, with special emphasis on the ways in which we have been and continue to be shaped and influenced by our inventions and innovation. The Media ecology approach is predicated on understanding that media, symbols, and technologies play a leading role in human affairs, and function as largely invisible environments affecting the way we think, feel, act, and organize ourselves collectively.
Fashion, Style & Popular Culture
Fashion, Style & Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal specifically dedicated to the area of fashion scholarship and its interfacings with popular culture. It was established to provide an interdisciplinary environment for fashion academics and practitioners to publish innovative scholarship in all aspects of fashion and popular culture relating to design, textiles, production, promotion, consumption and appearance-related products and services. Articles related to history, manufacturing, aesthetics, sourcing, marketing, branding, merchandising, retailing, technology, psychological/sociological aspects of dress, style, body image, and cultural identities, as well as purchasing, shopping, and the ways and means consumers construct identity as associated to Fashion, Style & Popular Culture are welcomed. The journal offers a broad range of written and visual scholarship and includes works done through various methods of research. We welcome conceptual, theoretical and translational applied research in the areas of fashion, style and popular culture. This journal hopes to stimulate new discussions in the fashion disciplines and to push the envelope of scholarship by welcoming new and established scholars to submit their works.
Download the journal's Notes for Contributors.
Film International
Film International covers film culture as part of the broader culture, history and economy of society. We address topics of contemporary relevance from historically informed perspectives. We wish to bridge the gap between the academy and the outside world, and encourage the participation of scholars from a variety of disciplines.
Film Matters
Film Matters is an exciting film magazine, celebrating the work of undergraduate film scholars. It is published three times a year, by students and for students, and each issue contains feature articles, as well as a healthy reviews section. In addition, with an undergraduate audience in mind, Film Matters will include occasional service-oriented pieces, such as profiles of film studies departments, articles that engage the undergraduate film studies community and prepare students for graduate study in this field, and resources and opportunities that undergraduate scholars can pursue. In an effort to give undergraduate scholars real-world, applied learning experiences, all Film Matters feature submissions from external open calls will undergo a peer review process.
Film Matters also enjoys partnering with guest editors on themed dossiers. Any instructor who works with undergraduate students (including teaching assistants, part-time faculty, etc.) is encouraged to contact the editors with dossier proposals.
For more information and content visit the Film Matters website.
Film, Fashion & Consumption
Film, Fashion & Consumption is a peer-reviewed journal designed to provide an arena for the discussion of research, methods and practice within and between the fields of film, fashion, design, history, art history and heritage. The journal seeks to stimulate ongoing research on these topics and to attract contributions not only from scholars researching in these areas but also from practitioners, who are traditionally excluded from academic debate. The journal thus aims to unite and enlarge a community of researchers and practitioners in film, fashion, consumption and related fields, whilst also introducing a wider audience to new work, particularly to interdisciplinary research which looks at the intersections between film, fashion and consumption.
Global Hip Hop Studies
Global Hip Hop Studies (GHHS) is a peer-reviewed, rigorous and community-responsive academic journal that publishes research on contemporary as well as historical issues and debates surrounding hip hop music and culture around the world, twice annually.
Horror Studies
Horror Studies intends to serve the international academic community in the humanities and specifically those scholars interested in horror. Exclusively examining horror, this journal will provide interested professionals with an opportunity to read outstanding scholarship from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including work conceived as interdisciplinary. By expanding the conversation to include specialists concerned with diverse historical periods, varied geography, and a wide variety of expressive media, this journal will inform and stimulate anyone interested in a wider and deeper understanding of horror
Hospitality & Society
Hospitality & Society is an international multidisciplinary social sciences journal focusing upon hospitality and exploring its connections with wider social and cultural processes and structures. The journal welcomes submissions from various disciplines and aims to be an interactive forum expanding frontiers of knowledge and contributing to the literature on hospitality social science. Articles that stimulate debate, discussion and exchange across disciplines are welcomed, as well as review essays or short topical pieces that are provocative and problematic in nature.
Hospitality & Society is the official journal of the Council for Hospitality Management Education http://www.chme.org.uk/.
Indian Theatre Journal
Indian Theatre Journal (ITJ) is the first international journal on Indian theatre. It is committed to publishing a wide range of critical and scholarly approaches to various aspects of Indian theatre and performance from their social, political, cultural, economical and diasporic contexts through academic essays, plays, production reviews, interviews and other important performance events in India. The journal hopes to bring together current intellectual debates and artistic practices not only in theatre but also in other corresponding areas such as dance, music, arts, aesthetics and culture, which will bring together the wider context of the confluences and correspondence between philosophy, performance and culture in India. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal aims at creating an international platform for scholars, critics, playwrights, actors and directors of Indian theatre to present their work through cutting edge research and innovative performance practice. In addition, the journal is keen to explore the recent developments in intercultural theatre, theatre anthropology, performance studies and Indian and South Asian diaspora across the globe.
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture
Interactions aims to encourage the development of the widest possible scholarly community both in terms of geographical location and intellectual scope in the fields of media, communication and cultural studies.
International Journal of Community Music
The International Journal of Community Music publishes research articles, practical discussions, timely reviews, readers' notes and special issues concerning all aspects of Community Music. The editorial board is composed of leading international scholars and practitioners spanning diverse disciplines that reflect the scope of Community Music practice and theory.
International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
The International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies is a new peer-reviewed, tri- annual, academic publication devoted to the study of modern Iraq. In recognition of Iraq's increasingly important position on the world stage, the time is right for a new journal dedicated to scholarly engagement with the country.
International Journal of Digital Television
The International Journal of Digital Television will describe and explain the transition to digital TV and wider trends in television. As switchover happens across the globe and television's operations and audiences are transformed, the International Journal of Digital Television will be at the forefront of efforts to understand the changes and developments.
International Journal of Education Through Art
The International Journal of Education through Art is an English language journal that promotes relationships between art and education. The term 'art education' should be taken to include art, craft and design education. Each issue, published three times a year within a single volume, consists of peer-reviewed articles mainly in the form of research reports and critical essays, but may also include exhibition reviews and image-text features.
International Journal of Fashion Studies
The International Journal of Fashion Studies is a scientific peer-reviewed journal that fosters the worldwide diffusion of Fashion Studies. Fashion Studies is an interdisciplinary field of research that has been producing an extensive repertoire of theories, analyses and enquiries.
International Journal of Food Design
The International Journal of Food Design (IJFD) is the first academic journal entirely dedicated to Food Design research and practice. We aim at creating a platform for researchers operating in the various disciplines that contribute to the understanding of Food Design.
Although the journal is open towards different background disciplines, knowledge and expertise, it only focuses on collecting any Food Design-related research outcome: research that somehow combines food and Design. We define Food Design as simply the discipline that connects food and Design: Design applied to food and eating, or food and eating investigated from a Design perspective. In other words, among all knowledge on food and eating, we look at research where Design has an important role, and among all knowledge on Design, we look at research that focuses on aspects of food or eating.