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Intellect Communication and Media Collection 2024

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Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 22 results
Intellect is honoured to be publishing its first ever open access journal, Artifact: Journal of Design Practice. Since its first publication in 2007, Artifact has focused on practice-based design research and aims to explore conditions, issues and tasks pertaining to design development in a broad sense. As an international design research journal, Artifact targets the global design research community with the aim of strengthening knowledge sharing and theory building of relevance to design practice. All articles and research notes are subject to double-blind peer-review.
The journal is cross-disciplinary in scope and welcomes contributions from all fields of design research including product design and visual communication, user experience, interface, and service design as well as design management and organization.
Australian Journalism Review
Australian Journalism Review publishes articles on a broad range of perspectives relating to journalism research, practice and education. Its emphasis is on original theoretical, empirical and applied research, but it also provides opportunities to canvass perspectives on current debates on research, practice and education through commentary pieces on specific topics.
This double-blind peer-reviewed journal is published twice annually, with the second edition each year focused primarily on a theme and supplemented by a small selection of broader-ranging papers.
Prospective guest editor submissions on themes for future editions are always welcome. While many of Australian Journalism Review's submitting authors are based within the Australia-Pacific region, the journal welcomes scholarship from around the world and extending into broader media and communication topics of relevance to journalism.
The journal incorporates a regular section highlighting the work of early career researchers, particularly current or recent higher degree by research students, as well as book reviews focusing on recent additions to the journalism, media and communications publishing landscape.
AJR is the journal of the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia.
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies
The Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies (CJCS) is committed to publishing research and theoretical articles in the fields of media studies, popular culture and cinema, public relations and advertising studies, social communication, new media, language uses in the media, communication and cultural policies, social and national identities, gender studies, sports and leisure, tourism and heritage, among other related issues. CJCS publishes double blind peer-reviewed articles and its aims and scope cover not only Catalan media and cultural systems but also other social contexts.
Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication
The European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication aims to provide a publication and discussion platform for those working at the interface of philosophy and the study of communication, in all its aspects. This journal is published in cooperation with the Section for the Philosophy of Communication of ECREA, the European Communication Reserach and Education Association.
Explorations in Media Ecology
EME explores the relationships between media, technology, symbolic form, communication, consciousness, and culture. Its scope is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. Media ecology provides a rich philosophical, historical and practical context for studying our increasingly technological and mediated society and culture with an emphasis on historical context.
Media ecology scholarship emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding media, communication, and technology, with special emphasis on the ways in which we have been and continue to be shaped and influenced by our inventions and innovation. The Media ecology approach is predicated on understanding that media, symbols, and technologies play a leading role in human affairs, and function as largely invisible environments affecting the way we think, feel, act, and organize ourselves collectively.
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture
Interactions aims to encourage the development of the widest possible scholarly community both in terms of geographical location and intellectual scope in the fields of media, communication and cultural studies.
International Journal of Digital Television
The International Journal of Digital Television will describe and explain the transition to digital TV and wider trends in television. As switchover happens across the globe and television's operations and audiences are transformed, the International Journal of Digital Television will be at the forefront of efforts to understand the changes and developments.
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics
The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics is committed to analyzing the politics of communication(s) and cultural processes. It addresses cultural politics in their local, international and global dimensions, recognizing equally the importance of issues defined by their specific cultural geography and those that traverse cultures and nations.
Journal of African Media Studies
The Journal of African Media Studies (JAMS) is an interdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for debate on the historical and contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa.
Journal of Alternative & Community Media
The Journal of Alternative and Community Media (JOACM) publishes research which helps explain the shifting media environment, and the ways in which people use alternative forms of media and communication. Issues of concern to the journal include the nature and distribution of media power; access to and participation in media; media practices of communities and social movements; and the possibilities of emerging technologies and new media.
Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research
The emergence of satellite TV, the internet and digital technology have dramatically changed the way audiences receive information and interact with the media. The sudden success of Al-Jazeera and other Arab broadcasters have altered the way the Arab world narrates itself and reports news from the region to the rest of the world. The journal aims to lead the debate about these emerging rapid changes in media and society in Arab and Muslim parts of the world.
Journal of Environmental Media
The Journal of Environmental Media offers a scholarly platform to bridge work in environmental studies, identity and social justice, and science communication through the prism of screen media, focusing on the role of new and emerging digital media in our understanding and perception of the environment and related social issues.
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds
The Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds focuses on theoretical and applied, empirical, critical, rhetorical, creative, economic and professional approaches to the study of electronic games across platforms and genres as well as ludic and serious online environments.
Journal of Global Diaspora & Media
Journal of Global Diaspora and Media (GDM) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform to theorize the complexities of the notion of diaspora and investigate the representations of diaspora people in the diasporic media and mainstream media from an interdisciplinary approach. The journal explores the roles played by the media to project the diaspora voices and facilitate their engagement and interaction with communities, agencies and governments at home and host nations.
Journal of Pervasive Media
The Journal of Pervasive Media is an international peer-reviewed journal for transdisciplinary researchers and practitioners engaging with devices and systems that alter users' behaviours, interactions and relationships with the world around them. For instance, artists, designers, creative technologists, theorists and scientists, exploring technologies such as locative media, augmented or mixed reality, mobile or wearable computing, through which places and times can be layered, performance enhanced, subjectivity multiplied, and data critically and creatively explored.
Journal of Pervasive Media is the new title for Ubiquity. The title change will comes into effect from Volume 8. All previous issues can be accessed on the Ubiquity page.
Journal of Visual Political Communication
Journal of Visual Political Communication (formerly known as The Poster) is a forum for debate about the ways in which visual devices are used to form opinion, sway, persuade, provoke, unite and divide us. This peer-reviewed journal invites all scholars and practitioners of visual culture - its social operation, anthropology, philosophy, history, politics and creation - to join with us in an open debate about the ethics, aesthetics, effect and operation of visual rhetoric in the public sphere. A fully refereed and peer-reviewed through a rigorous process conducted by our international Editorial Board and team of Associate Editors, all selected for their ability to bring a unique insight into the applications of visual rhetoric in the public sphere and for their academic strength as researchers.
Formerly published as The Poster (ISSN 2040-3704, Online ISSN 2040-3712)
Poster, The
The poster-maker, the pamphleteer and the tagger aim to sway the popular heart and mind through visual public interventions. As new technologies rise, turning the public sphere into a transparent, ubiquitous communications medium and a global marketplace, is the privileged status of the poster doomed or are we seeing it transformed as part of a new wave of visual rhetoric? When the environment starts to become responsive to our very presence and aware of our individual nature what is the role of the 'traditional poster' delivering a classical rhetorical message? This peer-reviewed journal aims to lead the debate. The Poster stands as a vehicle for the ideas of media theorists; scholars of Cultural Studies and Cultural Materialism; for social psychologists of visual communication, for architects and designers of wayfinding schemes; for philosophers of Aesthetics and Politics, Society and Linguistics; for social scientists, anthropologists and ethnographers; for political campaigners and artist activists; for communications researchers and visual communications practitioners.