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The Intellect Handbook of Dance Education Research

image of The Intellect Handbook of Dance Education Research


A review of dance education research methodologies with examples and exemplars from the field and an important resource for dance students, professionals, and advocates.

The editors recognized the need for a book of this type – one that would not only provide examples of a variety of dance education research projects, but also present a broad look at methodologies. In addition, the book would not only focus on Dance Education research in the U.S, but more broadly with examples of dance research from several different countries. The curated book includes the voices of both seasoned professionals and newer scholars in the field, with examples of dance research from a number of different countries. The contributions represent several countries including Korea, South Africa, United States of America, Jamaica, India, United Kingdom, Brazil, and Slovenia, underscore the global relevance and significance of research in dance education.

This book is divided into 5 parts. The first part focuses on dance education research and methodologies and is divided into three sections. With an introduction by Jill Green, the chapters that follow provide an overview of research types including the more traditional, qualitative, quantitative and mixed, and other methods such as portraiture and a/r/tography.

Part II, introduced by Lynnette Young Overby, includes examples of dance education research that incorporate qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods. Three sections covering dance education research applications in the areas of history and culture, dance teaching and choreography, and community based research follow.

Part III of the Handbook of Dance Education Research provides insight into dance education that takes place in several countries. This part is introduced by Peter Cook, Associate Deputy Chancellor, Southern Cross University, Australia. The collection of chapters within this part of the Handbook of Dance Education Research provides snapshots of research practices from contrasting international areas, and with a variety of approaches and paradigms.

The final Part IV includes chapters focused on Social Justice dance education practice and research. This part is introduced by Alfdaniel Mivule Basibye Mabingo, Makerere University, Uganda. These chapters push the boundaries of dance education research to promote meaning and social change. They provide substantive examples of the impact dance education research can have in response to social and cultural issues.

This book will be a key resource for university students, professors, practitioners and policy makers in organizations and in school systems. It will inspire future dance education researchers to conduct research that is collaborative, impactful, inclusive and diverse– research that will solidify the place of dance as an integral part of each person’s education.


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