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  • Sponsoring Society
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    Pages/Slides: 00:00
20 Oct 2020

Smart city platforms allow end users to gain seamless access to data across the multiple siloes of functionality that exist in today’s cities. These include applications like transportation management, health and public safety, environmental (including water and wastewater), energy, governance, the built environment, and more. This is particularly relevant today as cities and towns struggle to deal with the economic and social challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic with an eye toward long-term resiliency. This presentation will provide an introduction to smart city platform architecture, functionality, and use cases, and will explore some of the ways that those in the industrial sector can bring their experience to bear in optimizing the performance of today’s cities.


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  • Sponsoring Society
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  • Sponsoring Society
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    Non-members: $15.00
  • Sponsoring Society
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    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00