Tutorial: Blockchain for Smart Grid 2.0: Use Cases, Opportunities and Challenges
Madhusanka Liyanage, Charithri Yapa, and Chamitha de Alwis
Sponsoring Society
IEEE Members: $25.00
Non-members: $40.00Length: 3.5 hours
Smart grids are placed in a conspicuous position of future, decentralized electricity distribution systems, possessing automated capabilities and fault recovery through self-resilience. Such architecture enables maximization of consumer participation in electricity trading and optimized utilization of distributed generation, which mainly comprises Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Blockchain facilitates the realization of the envisaged grid topology, through transparent, distributed, and immutable transaction storage. Practical implementation of blockchain-based grid operation scenarios presents several challenges. This tutorial discusses the use cases of blockchain-enabled smart grid 2.0 architecture, opportunities arising, and challenges to be addressed.
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Cities Conferences