Tutorial 3: Blockchain for Smart City Applications – From Basics Theory to Current and Future Smart City Applications
Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Kaushik Ayinala
Sponsoring Society
IEEE Members: $20.00
Non-members: $30.00Length: 01:30:43
Blockchain technology has passed its initial hype and is here to stay, changing our lives beyond the original in e-currency application. It is becoming a critical enabler of smart city applications together with Internet-of-Things and Cloud/Edge Computing. Smart city service systems are becoming diverse and bear highly technical requirements, such as distributed collaboration, fault tolerance, and privacy. These requirements can be uniquely met via blockchain technology. However, its service development, deployment strategy would need good understanding and careful consideration.Aiming for a broad audience ranging from researchers, developers, engineers, graduate students to municipal government officials, this tutorial provides an introduction of blockchain technology from basic concepts, theory to practices of current and future to open research challenges. In addition to the intuitive and lively presentation, using open-source software for practical hands-on activities will also be included. A potential use case includes the collaboration between the schools/universities with fault tolerance and secure distributed collaboration will be discussed.
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Cities Conferences