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  • PELS
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    Length: 01:01:25
21 Mar 2024

Abstract: The expanding mobile robotic market has demanded for more efficient and dependable ways to recharge the battery, thus promoting the need for a reliable WPT system, among which the magnetic resonance coupling WPT system seems to be the most practical and promising solution. Yet how to achieve large scale WPT application success remains a great challenge. In the Webinar, the author would like to explore the path for this challenge with comprehensive consideration, starting with briefly summarising recent major large scale commercial applications of WPT in mobile robotics, with the prediction of the market's growth, and pointing out criteria to evaluate market opportunities for WPT. Several mature architecture platforms used in Zonecharge will be presented as examples, followed by a discussion of some significant factors such as thermal behaviour design, low-cost efficient FOD, and EMC regulation which indeed determine the outcome of the products. In the end, the business application and progress regarding e-bikes and scooters are also presented with comments on the technology and product differences from others.

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