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  • PELS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $8.00
    Non-members: $12.00
    Pages/Slides: 51
18 Jan 2021

Abstract: DC microgrids are currently being employed in a wide range of applications, ranging from the transportation industry to high voltage dc systems. Nevertheless, there are still several challenges facing dc microgrids compromising their resiliency and safety. As most loads are nowadays interconnected through power converters, the stability of the network can be affected due to its behavior as a Nonlinear Constant Power Load (CPL). In addition, the constant dc voltage available has the potential to create continuous high impedance series arc faults, which are difficult to detect due to its low fault current. In this webinar, an overview of recent nonlinear control strategies and stability analysis of dc networks with CPLs will be presented. In addition, parameter estimation methods (e.g. Kalman filter, recursive least squares) will be presented for the accurate detection and localization of dc series arc faults.

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  • PELS
    Members: Free
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  • PELS
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