GridEdge '25 Tutorial: DERMS+VPP with Dynamic Electricity Rates
Dr. Ashkan R. Kian (Quanta Technology) Mark Martinez (SCE)
IEEE Members: $74.00
Non-members: $99.00Pages/Slides: 34
The Automated Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) represents a groundbreaking advancement in grid management. By integrating demand response (DR) optimization into the DERMS engine’s objective function, the Automated DERMS enables efficient management of registered behind-the-meter (BTM) assets. These assets are pivotal in enhancing grid reliability, resiliency, and affordability. This tutorial will explore its integration with the CalFUSE pilot project, focusing on managing registered behind-the-meter (BTM) assets for optimal DR programs. This tutorial aims to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage Automated DERMS effectively.
Dr. Ashkan R. Kian, Quanta Technology, Michel Kohanim, Universal Devices, Dr. Shadi Chuangpishit , Quanta Technology