GridEdge '25 Tutorial: DER Gateways - Bridging the Gaps Between Utility and DER
Ben Ealey, EPRI, Ajit Renjit, Oracle, Prasanth Gopalakrishnan, ASE Systems
IEEE Members: $74.00
Non-members: $99.00Pages/Slides: 50
The DER functionalities specified in some grid codes (e.g. IEEE 1547 & Rule 21), and the associated communication interfaces are not suitable for direct integration with monitoring and control systems (e.g., DERMS). These functionalities were designed only to expose the raw, inherent capabilities of the DER, but (intentionally) omit additional logic, management features, and security requirements because these were believed to vary by utility and region. Added business logic, centralized management, and cybersecurity capabilities are needed by utilities, and DER network gateways can provide these capabilities.
Ben Ealey, EPRI